#everyone needs to shut up


So, with all the stuff about the Dr. Seuss books being pulled, I hear the Far Right is already releasing their own line of Seuss-esque books to fight back.

Here is a list:

Marjorie Hears A Jew.

Can-Fish, Cun-Fish, Ted Fish, Cruz Fish.

Oh, The Places You’ll Go And Give Everyone COVID!

And To Think That I Sold It On Wall Street.

The Sneeches, And Other Groups To Deport.

If I Drained The Swamp.

Fox With Stocks (In Medical Equipment).

The Lorax Is Fake News.

There’s A Market In My Pocket!

My Book About ME (And Why You All Suck)!

Yertle The Turtle, And Other Habitats To Destroy.

I Can Read Congressional Documents With My Eyes Shut!

Horton Hatches An Egg, Then Denies It Health Coverage.

In The People’s House (With Guns!).

I Can Threaten 30 Senators Today! And Other Josh Hawley Stories.

And because the Far Left is not to be outdone, they are also producing a line of books.

Those include:

How The Grinch Canceled Christmas.

The Cat In The Culturally-Appropriated Hat.

On Beyond Zebra (Because Anything Even Partly White Is Racist).

A Great Day For Up… -Setting People For The Heck Of It.

Hop On GOP (If No One Else Is Available).

Green Eggs And Ham Are Murder.

If I Ran The Country (Without Voting).

The 500 Attacks Of Oscaio-Cortez.

Charles E. Schumer, Will You Please Go Now!

I Am Not Going To Get Up And Vote Today!
