#evil doesn’t even feel like a strong enough word anymore




The level of evil it is to shoot a Palestinian journalist in the head, falsely claim you didn’t do it, and then send the military to attack her funeral, the mourners, and forcefully rip the Palestinian flag off her coffin. It’s monstrous.

While all of this is happening: 

Israeli police tried to force a Palestinian Muslim woman to remove her headscarf because it “matched the colors of the Palestinian flag”

And in Hebron, busloads of settlers have taken over a building and run towards it with sleeping mats, all from just today. 

ID: Tweet one by Yara Alafandi @/ AfandiYara reads:  Israeli police forcing a Palestinian woman to take off her hijab because it’s the same colours as the Palestinian flag and you’re still arguing that Israel isn’t an apartheid state? #Shereen_Abu_Aqleh

Tweet two by disorientalist @/ princessmlokhia reads:  Colonizers in Hebron took the collective Palestinian mourning for Shireen as a chance to sieze a new building in the city. Look at them, bold and pathetic. When we say Israel is a settler-colony we mean it in the most literal sense.


In the holy city of Jerusalem, we can’t even mourn our dead in peace. The multiple videos that show occupation forces on horses with batons and guns ripping off the Palestinian flag from the casket of Shireen Abu Aqla and the Kuffiyeh from her dead body while beating mourners.

Have you ever seen depravity like this? An apartheid state that seeks to dehumanize us in every way, even in death.

And by the way, Israel blew up a home in Jenin this morning and continued it’s ethnic cleansing project with illegal settlement expansion in Masafer Yatta leaving families in complete despair.

Shame on every politician and journalist that whitewashes this. Shame on every government that turns a blind eye to this. Shame on every human being that makes any claim to morality yet remains silent in the face of such inhumanity.

- Imam Omar Suleiman


honestly speechless

may the occupation and it’s evils come to an end, ya rabb
