#ew a text post


sometimes i visit here and im like how was i so productive???? i keep thinking ill come back here some time but idk fanart doesnt appeal to me as much anymore i guess. these days im mostly doing commissions and adopts?? sometimes i post on twitter but i get lazy. here’s my twitter in case i learn to be better about that i guess

i still love this blog even tho a lot of my older stuff is kinda hmm now tho lolol and twitter isnt as easy to organize for me..


wtf happened to my icon and stuff? ??

wow cant even change it i guess tumblr just sucks now

woopee looks like it fixed itself as soon as i complained
i hope they get so much spam

wtf happened to my icon and stuff? ??

wow cant even change it i guess tumblr just sucks now

a lil heads up, im gonna be quite this month cus art fight is in session again!

More active on twitter @shoedrawers
