#ew in general







Early Access Creators - YOU CANNOT SIT THE FENCE THIS TIME. :|

Look, I love y'all. I know you don’t want to participate in so-called “drama” because you think it’s messy and shit. I get that, I do. But here’s the deal. Cowbuild and her cronies are making the whole patreon method of dealing with the sims look bad, and that affects YOU guys too.

Because of these bad apples, there are some people questioning if patreon is safe. Especially because Anto is involved, and he USED TO BE EARLY ACCESS.

You guys need to join in on calling this out and saying “No. This is not okay. We do not accept it, and we do not want this to be part of our community.”

I and others have tried to explain that these bad apples don’t spoil the whole bunch, but when y'all choose to be silent on the issue, you don’t help your case. So now is the time to speak up. You don’t have to make your own post even. Just REBLOGGING what’s already been shared is enough.

There’s only ONE of you that has spoken out (thank you @1-800-cuupid ) but the rest of y’all are uwu no dramas here’s this months work lmao

It is free 99 to grow a spine and it’s telling how y’all can’t even say “yeah man that’s fucked up and creators shouldn’t do that” is telling lol

I mean, this has already reached the Sims Forums:

You know, that same place where the ORIGINAL two week rule was discussed? Would y'all like EA to take away early access because people can’t handle patreon? Because unless y'all speak up and out, that’s what’s gonna be communicated. That we as a community cannot handle ourselves.

And no, sharing or reblogging the posts is not participating in drama. Drama is alleged behavior or useless shit. THIS is people’s fucking safety.

Here’s how serious it is.

I was given a screenshot copy of the clean list, and was given the tough job of trying to find victims to let people know their info had been leaked.


With a simple google search I was able to find:
- Her wedding website which had
- The date of her wedding
- Pictures of her friends/family in the bridal party
- Pictures from the event
- Her facebook, even under her married name (because her maiden name was still connected)
- What city she lived in, and what she + her husband do for a living/where they

THANKFULLY, I am a good guy. I shot her a message on messenger and let her know that I wasn’t some creep and I was contacting her because her information had been leaked.

She confirmed to me that she had been blocked by @busra-tr.

These are REAL FUCKING PEOPLE. And the sad thing is, we only had one page of the list. And from the screenshot it’s obvious there is more.

I understand wanting to keep your feed and your game peaceful, but if y'all don’t say something people’s safety will be at stake. This is not a petty dispute between creators, this is people KNOWINGLY choosing to GATHER AND SHARE PERSONAL INFORMATION THAT SHOULD NOT BE SHARED. PERIOD.

Pass this around everyone!

Sooooooo…It’s apparently “T$R circa 2008″ vs. “The Pirates” all over again, then? Fun! 

I normally avoid avoid avoid (I have a loose tongue. I’m trigger happy and have had to just shut up), but leaking the information of multiple patrons who you just sUsPeCt are sharing your stolen meshes is so hilariously hypocritical that I almost can’t believe it. Seeing Anto is a part of this is really weird considering how long he’s been around.

Cowbuild has been accused multiple times, so I’d love to understand how she’s still active and making thousands when all she does is steal and target people who share the content she stole. The audacity. She’s been doing it for so long and to such a degree that she’s slipping. Though she’s slipped many times.

Stop supporting people like this, and if you’re a patreon creator say something. You should understand that if you don’t speak up about it this willeventually hit your bank account. You should be very concerned if patreon is how you make your living. Some have already, and that’s pretty great.

This is exactly why PMBD is a thing.
