
baserun: @cheetahing and i did a little collab this year for @kuraryouexchange!mel’s fic to go alo


@cheetahing and i did a little collab this year for @kuraryouexchange!

mel’s fic to go along with this is extremely soft and can be found here: and you’re no one’s but mine.

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daiya no ace //kuraryou// kuraryou exchange //ao3

krry ex gift for @baserun! & @ewagan, also featuring art by hayley! anyway, thank you both so much for putting up with me, honestly. it’s been a tough year but you’ve both helped make it more bearable.


it’s raining when youichi wakes up, the air in ryousuke’s apartment close and humid. he’s gotten used to this space and its quirks and rhythms, the dark soft and familiar on his skin. the pale glow of ryousuke’s alarm clock on the nightstand is just the first constellation in a room youichi knows almost as well as his own, though the other side of the bed is empty and cool beneath his palm. two am. youichi lies still for a little longer, listening to the quiet noises of the building, trying to divine what woke ryousuke up. there’s no light creeping in beneath the bedroom door so whatever ryousuke’s doing out there, he’s doing it in the dark.

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