#exandria unllimited calamity


Dear Critters who may not know Brennan and Lou,

All of the D20 seasons are pretty short, and episodes are pretty short and I highly encourage you to watch and fall in total love

Fantasy High was my first Brennan Dm’d game to watch and it hooked me so quick….especially episode 2
A Crown of Candy gets a little more serious, very game of thrones, and Brennan and Lou have some amazing RP

AND if you want that Critical Role crossover to help ease you in…

Pirates of Leviathian - DMed by Brennan, with Matt and Marisha and Aabria 
Escape from the Bloodkeep - DMed by Brennan with Matt playing (very Lord of the Rings vibes with all players as “villains”) 

Most are behind the paywall of Dropout, but honestly the subscription is worth it (plus, some are on youtube, or you can do a free trial and watch a bunch before cancelling if money is tight)
