#except that weird scene of fear beauty and reverence


Random comment of the day:

Something that pisses me off about the LN is that Guren calls “beautiful” everyone (Mahiru, Shinoa, Sayuri, Mito, Aoi, Noya, Ferid, Mika, Mahiru, Mahiru, Mahiru) but not because he is actually mesmerised or it makes him feel things but rather as if it’s a fact, something objective. He is not even close with half of these people. So basically, it wouldn’t be gay to actually call Shinya “beautiful” right? I mean, it would be something objective. It’s not Guren like wants to do the devil’s tango with Ferid or Aoi but he still thinks they are beautiful. So WHY NOT SHINYA?? He is beautiful, it doesn’t automatically equate to . Or what, he isn’t objectively beautiful??
