#exchange year


If you get along super well with your hostfamily, consider yourself blessed. If not, that’s where the deep problems start. I gathered this from others/personal experience. It can be this way, but it doesn’t have to. Really depends on hostfamily.
At the beginning, you have the guest status. Your hostfamily (let’s focus on the hostmother) is polite to you and accepts that you need time to adapt. It is when you leave that status that it hits you like a punch in the stomach. You are starting to being criticized for everything that you do. How you eat, speak and stand. Selfdoubt begins and puts everything in question you did over the past months. Your hear things like “You do this always wrong”. When she stops sugarcoating her words. You are shocked because it’s the first time you hear this. Now tell me: What happens if your whole personality is the reason? What happens if you’re being told you need to change to make this work?
How can an introvert become an extrovert and vice versa?
I don’t happen to know the answers but I hope to find them along the way.

It’s an Amusant Park and a Waterpark. We (the exchange students,some parents, returnees and other YFU people) didn’t go to the waterpark, though. I wish we had because it’s so hot here -.- Well, it was raining, so it wasn’t too bad.

Here’s our ticket:image

I don’t know why ‘Peter Rabbit’ stands there. I didn’t really notice any kinds of these theme in the park.

It was raining and so we didn’t get to ride as much as we wanted to :/

The best was probably the water splash ride, after this, you were literally soaked with water. There were raincoats sold, though.


Still wet :D  awkward face

It was really fun with all the exchange students there, and if some of you guys read this, feel free to message me^^

PS: Nagashima stands for long island, because it’s literally just an island. Other than that amusent park, there wasn’t much there.


The white roller coaster is (was?) the longest of Japan. We rode it, but my head really hurt after it  >.<


View from the Ferris wheel

Tommorrow. Things didn’t go well with my hostmother and last week wednesday, my hostfather told me I would change next week wednesday. Quite honestly, I wasn’t really shocked. I’ve called YFU a few weeks back to tell them things weren’t going great.

I’ll be changing to a YFU worker. Met her a few times. From what I’ve heard, she has a big family (her kid(s?) are living there too). I’m nervous, but in kind of a good way. I’m not the first exchange student she has hosted, so she will bring up more patience for my situation I think ^^’ Oh and it’s in Nagoya, which will be pretty cool. School will be the same, though. Have to go with train and bus, but thats fine^^

So anyway, don’t know how I will do it with the internet yet. Would you like me to queue some things? I did a lot of stuff over the summer I could post. ?
