

Hi guys! Another review to reveal for you! I think some of you are not familiar with this product but after reading this review, I’m sure that you will grab your own bottle to add on your beauty product collection. Peel and Glow Exfogel from The Soapery


Whitening - Actually I got surprised when I first used this product. I felt amazed about the magic that can do to your face. It can be classified as an instant whitening gel for your skin. 

 Moisturizing Properties - Actually it doesn’t indicates on the bottle if it can moisturize your face or body. I tried to applied it 3 times a day, I can really proved that it can instantly whitens your skin but I think it doesn’t moisturize my skin very well. 

Dead skin cells remover - You can see below how the exfogel leaves your skin with white particles, that is your dead skin cells that has been absorb by the gel to leave your skin whiter and smooth. 

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Whitening

★ ★ ★ ★ ★Moisturizing Properties

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Dead skin cells remover

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Overall Experience

So much love, 

Dorothy Torretijo
