#exit tunes presents actors

akikamitsuki: Belated Happy 5th Anniversary, ACTORS!! I’m back with this post about the fifth annive


Belated Happy 5th Anniversary, ACTORS!!

I’m back with this post about the fifth anniversary CD I’ve talked about on my previous post from January! [brings out the party poppers] With all honesty, info-san hasn’t tweeted about this or anything and I just saw this from my Facebook feed lmao

ACTORS 5th Anniversary Edition

>> to be released on June 5, 2019


Disc 1 

  • Black Board [Re-arranged] // papiyon feat. Kouya Ashihara (CV. Shouta Aoi)
  • Fire◎Flower [Re-arranged] // halyosy feat. Seijun Yuyama (CV. Toshiki Masuda)
  • ELECT [Re-arranged] // niki feat. Shirou Nanao (CV. Tetsuya Kakihara)
  • 永遠花火 (Eternal Firework) [Re-arranged] // XiexieP feat. Kaoru Narugo (CV. Takuya Satou)
  • バイビーベイビーサヨウナラ (Bye Baby Sayonara) [Re-arrange] // saiB feat. Kakeru Iimori (CV. Shintarou Asanuma)
  • リスキーゲーム(Risky Game) [Re-arranged] // Kurousa feat. Tsukasa Odawara (CV. Shou Hayami) x Washiho Usuki (CV. Ryota Takeuchi)
  • (Blue) [Re-arranged] // 164 feat. Hozumi Uozu (CV. KENN)
  • 僕は初音ミクとキスをした(I Shared a Kiss With Miku Hatsune) [Re-arranged] // mikitoP feat. Rei Ichijoudani (CV. Hikaru Midorikawa)
  • トゥインクル (Twinkle) [Re-arranged] // Junky feat. Itto Takatenjin (CV. Ryota Osaka)
  • 月・影・舞・華 (Moon Shadow Dance Flower) [Re-arranged] //  gingahoumen-P feat. Ushio Azabu (CV. Toshiyuki Toyonaga)
  • Magnet// Minato Takahiro (Ryuusei-P) feat. Ryuunosuke Hanakuma (CV. Kensho Ono) x Takato Kiyosu (CV. Kousuke Toriumi)
  • 一騎当千 (Matchless Warriors) // Umetora feat. Kakeru Iimori (CV. Shintarou Asanuma) x Chiguma Marume (CV. Subaru Kimura)
  • ロキ (ROKI) // mikitoP feat. Mike Enjouji (CV. Yuuki Ono) x Hinata Mitsutsuka (CV. Souichirou Hoshi)

Disc 2

  • Drama Part (with the duration of 30 minutes)

>>view the crossfade here!

>>check the CD page here!

Post link
DDE Remocon is the best etpa song.

DDE Remocon is the best etpa song.

Post link

 ACTORS -Another Side- 6 『About me~I say love…you?~』 -
Kakeru Iimori (CV Asanuma Shintaro)

Okay I really need to do this, since this story is so angst and precious— Also Kakeru’s acting was really wonderful! 

(Note ; I used “we”/”us” as protagonist. Since Kakeru talking to us)

Part 01.  01. - BEGIN TO RAIN -
We came to Kakeru’s room, he was sleeping. We step closer to the bed and he startled because of us. He said he already wake up.The he asked question, “Who are you again?” 
We angry and he said he just kidding, and  no way he forgot about his cute girlfriend. And also the only girl who can came to his room is only us.

After some time of playing around we asked him why he still used the clothes from previous day, he seems forgot, he said he might be tired and his head feel hurts.

Rain pouring hard outside, Kakeru ask us to sleep a bit more. He flirting  saying I love you and such. (but yeah we said he’s liar and begin to tickling him lol)

We said today we already had a promise to went out. But Kakeru not remember it. He said we can go out in another day since today is rainy. But we refuse and Kakeru finally gave up.

We went out, walking in the rain, we talked about past. The first time we met. That day also rainy day like this. Kakeru’s forgot to bring his umbrella that day. Then we offer him to use ours. 
Kakeru laughing remembered our red face. We said because it need courage to said that. He understand.

We stop by ice cream shop, the shop that we used to come in our first date. Kakeru order vanilla for himself, and strawberry for us. We said we used to order chocolate. He seems forgot again and he said sorry for it.

He took his wallet from his pocket, and we looked at his keychain he used in his wallet. He said he used it properly because it’s really important. He doubly said it was his birthday present from us. We not say anything.

We eat ice cream in the bench shading from the rain. We tried each other ice cream. He said we used to ate one ice cream half by half. 
We said he was acting weird, and we need to went to the next place. 

In the middle of walking he suggest we buy a pair of ring, he remembered some kind of shop not far from there sell it. But the shop wasn’t there. He look confused, and he agreed that he acted weird. He said his head hurts and he was not feeling well.

(Literary what Kakeru remember was nothing about us, like the ice cream flavor he forget, the keychain, the memory of sharing one ice cream that what I get)

He forgot an important thing we said, he asked us what is was, but we didn’t answer and choose to run away in the rain.
Kakeru chased us, he screaming, “DON’T GO THAT WAY!! NO!!”
To the point that car breaking and crashed into something.


(rain pouring)
Kakeru woke up in unknown place. He searching for a girl and found her. He hugged her and said will never let her go again.

He remembered it all. 3 Years ago, that day at that time the girl disappeared from this world. That day he promised to met her. It was raining so badly too that day. He said she expect that called for a date and came with a bright smile. But she was wrong, Kakeru was angry at her.

The day before that faithful day, Kakeru found her walked together with man he didn’t knew. They look happy, and laughing. He can’t forgive that. So he met her the next day to break up.

Kakeru didn’t believe any reason the girl try to explain to him, he said horrible things, “I don’t want to see your face again! Go away from my life!”

The girl startled, run away in the rain, and car hit her. She died.

“I’m sorry! Really forgive me!” Kakeru cried to the girl. He regretted what he said to her that day. He knew after that that a man walked with her was her senior who she asked to give her advice for Kakeru’s birthday present. Kakeru thought it wrong, and hurt her. After that day he can’t forget it. His time stuck at that day.

Kakeru promise he won’t run away again, and asked girl if he can stand by her side now.

The girl said he was a liar. She said Kakeru’s forget there is someone important to him now. 
Kakeru said the one that important to him is only her. no one but her.

She said there is a person who always stand by his side now. Kakeru tried to remember it. He remembered, after that faithful day he was so lonely and we came to him.

She smiled. 

Kakeru asked why she smiled, he betray her, he was the worst.

She asked Kakeru to forget her and move forward with his life. Kakeru said he can’t. Even he already has some feeling for us and said “I love you” so many times for us it was not from his heart.  he still can’t forget the girl.

The girl start to disappear, Kakeru begging her to not leave him. “I love you!” he said.
The girl said Kakeru just running away, she want him to be happy and continue living.

In the end Kakeru promised her that he will move forward like she wished for. He kissed her, “thank you, aishiteta (the past tense for I love you)”  


part 03. - SAY GOOD-BYE. -

Kakeru woke up in the hospital, we fall asleep beside him.
We woke up, and cried worried, we said he lost consciousness. He asked what happened, we said it was an accident when he chase us after we fighting.

Kakeru who now seems to understand about his feeling, talked it, and try to be honest. He said “I love you”, right the real honest “I love you” from his heart. 


