#exo vampire story


Hi guys! I saw that Witness was well received, and now I’m happy to give you another part to read, this time from the side of Minseok! I hope you enjoy this, darlings! <3


Everything was a painful blur from when the pair of hands shook you awake and took you from your haven with the promise of safety. Too groggy to fight them, you went willingly, letting yourself be wrapped in blankets and ushered into a car, into a building, into a small, white room with one table and three chairs.

You were offered coffee, comforting smiles from two burly men and a cooing of “You are safe ma'am, we just need to ask you a few questions.”

You were not safe. You were not okay, not in the least, as you felt the brand new wound on your neck throb in pain. Agony surged from the two puncture wounds into your entire body, solidifying into little anchors at the end of your nerves, holding you down in the sludge of pain from which only one person could rescue you.

And the two police officers were talking about him as if he were a criminal.

“Do you know the whereabouts of Kim Minseok?” the questions at first were gentle, and they talked to you as if they were dealing with a wounded doe. But your everlasting confusion and dizziness became tiring for one of them really quickly.

“You know who he is, do you not, miss?” the at first honeyed voice slowly turned rough, and the soft gaze hardened. You shivered, wrapping the coarse blanket around yourself tighter, trying to ward yourself from the cold that was coming from within you.

“I-I do. And…and there is nothing wrong with being a vampire, sir, just like there is nothing wrong with being human.” you resolutely stated, trying to hold your ground. The supernatural beings were hunted centuries ago, and it seems that it was hard to let go of stereotyping. Nevertheless, you were ready to fight for your brand new mate.

“And I’m not saying there is, Ms.___.” The cooing tone was replaced by one of an exasperated teacher losing patience over a less-than-bright child.

“But there is most definitely something wrong with being a mafia leader.” you shook your head at his statement.

“Absolutely not. Minseok is not a gangster. He is a businessman.”

“A businessman with blood, miss. We just raided one of his establishments and have taken more than 50 blood donors from the estate.”

“You must be mistaken, I believe. Minseok would never do anything like-”

“Are you in business with him, miss?” the less patient policeman cut you off, and you stared at him, shivering, slowly more and more agitated.

“I am in no business with him. I am his mate. Need I remind you that it is against the law to keep a newly bonded couple separated?” it was general knowledge that a couple that has just bonded needed to be in close vicinity while the mating process has been established. You began to feel it yourself, the low burning slowly growing, kindling in your body and leaving you in a strange combination of feeling in an almost hypothermic state while being feverish as well.  

What you thought would be a triumphant way to make the two rough men let you go proved futile. The meaner one grinned, flashing his yellowed teeth at you.

“You don’t need to remind us of the laws, miss ___, we know very well what we can and cannot do. And while making sure newly bonded mates are kept in close contact is protected by the law, the capture of a dangerous criminal on the loose is above assuring your comfort during this first week. Especially…” he leaned against the table, entwining his fingers and resting his chin on top of it, “when we can lure your mate over here and capture him.”


“What the hell happened?” Minseok seethed, flipping over the table. The wood cracked under the force of his fingertips, splinters flying from the furniture. His expression of anger did not phase his right hand, who didn’t even flinch as his boss ranged through his luxurious house.

“There was a raid in the main estate, sir. The police somehow found out about your house as well.”

“Someone ratted?”

“I’m already working on finding the person, sir.”

“Where is ___?” he knew immediately that you were not in the vicinity. He would’ve felt the constant anxiousness that was plaguing him since he left your side decrease, but at the moment, it just rocketed sky high. What the fuck was this day about.

“They took her, sir.” Luhan’s words made him stop the rampage, his whole body frozen in disbelief.

“What did you say?” Minseok’s voice was no longer filled with fury - that was hiding inside of him, bubbling and boiling and seeping.

“She was taken into custody by the police force, under the belief she was a blood whore.”

“Give me the address.” Luhan was barely able to finish his sentence when Minseok turned to him, eyes blood red and determined. Knowing that it was his neck on the line this time, Luhan immediately told his boss about the whereabouts of his mate.

Minseok disappeared with the fog, slipping underneath the door and into the darkness.


The flimsy blanket that accompanied you into your jail cell wasn’t enough. You tried your best to cocoon yourself into the fabric on the hard mattress, but it still didn’t stop you from shivering. Were you shivering because you were cold? Because you were afraid? Was it both of these reasons at once?

Where was Minseok? Why did they claim he is mafia? Were you that blinded by love that you did not see the snake behind the roses?

Your head ached and your eyes strained against the dimmed lights, making it even worse. The jail was quiet, save for the occasional snort coming from the other occupants, taken into custody because of drunk and disorderly behavior or other offences. Minutes trickled by like they were hours, and you thought that if something, somebody didn’t come and take you from there, you will die in that dinky, small cell.

Suddenly, there anchoring agony faded.

And in front of you stood Minseok, eyes filled with a mess of anger, relief and pain.

You felt like this was all just an illusion, but nevertheless you reached out to your mate, just a tiny flicker of hope in you rooting for him actually being there. And when you heard your name in his chocked voice, his hand grasping yours, the flame spread throughout your body, rushing the tears into your eyes.

“M-Minseok,” you stuttered in a watery voice as you tried to untangle yourself from the blanket as quickly as possible to get to him, but Minseok was quicker; he was on the bed in a flash, arms enveloping your body and hoisting you into his lap. His nose immediately buried into the crook of your neck, lips gently brushing over the mark on your shoulder, the source of immense happiness but also indescribable pain.

“My love,” Minseok rumbled as he held you tight, as if there was someone who could take you away from him. And in the past hours, that someone really came. The realization of where you are and what happened came crashing back down to you and a whine ripped from your throat as you leaned back from his embrace to look into his eyes.

“Minseok, what’s all…what’s all this? Why am I here…” he kept quiet, just staring at you as his hands stroked your hair, thumbed at your tear-stained cheeks, squeezed at your shoulders in reassurance.

“The police… they keep telling me…that…that you’re a gangster…that…that you have blood whores… Minseok, they’re lying, right?” your voice grew desperate, because you felt that his silence only served to prove that the pudgy, sweaty, mean police officer back in that interrogation room was right.

“I will explain everything to you, ___. I promise. When I get you out of here, I’ll tell you everything.”

“You just have to pay them and they will let me go, Minseok. You could just…just walk up to the desk and give them money and I will be free.” Something in his eyes told you he couldn’t do that. In your pained mind, it all started to click into place. His long, unnatural hours. His partners, all thick-necked and tattoo-ridden, eyes as hard as their punches most probably were.

“They were telling the truth.” You finally said after a pause, your hands falling from their perch on Minseok’s shoulders. The retreat of touch made your mate whine, eyebrows pinched and a flurry of emotions in his eyes.

“You’re a gangster.”


“You’re…you do run brothels…”

“I can explain everything, I promise. The second I get you out of here I-“


It was barely whispered, but the word had the same reaction as a roar would have. Minseok stopped trying to explain, his hands frozen on your cheeks as he tried to make you look at him. Your gaze was still on the floor, away from your partner. From someone you loved.

From a criminal.

“Just go, Minseok. Before I call the guards.”

“Let me stay here for a little more, baby. The mark-“

“I don’t care. Leave me.”

“But you will hurt-“

“It’s nothing compared to the fact that I just mated for life to someone I apparently didn’t know at all.” The chuckle was self-depreciating.

There was commotion down the hall. Your conversation must have alerted somebody.

“___,” his voice was full of pain, pain that the two of you apparently shared. He should’ve been honest with you from the start, and maybe you would’ve prepared better for the possibility of a raid. Of the possibility that somebody would try to use your love to make Minseok pay for his crimes.

“I can’t bare the thought of you being executed, Minseok…just…please just go. I can’t look at you right now.”

“I’ll come back to you.” Minseok swore as he made sure that you looked into his blood-soaked eyes filled with fiery determination.

“I don’t care.” You told him, voice dead. The presence that was calming just a few minutes ago now felt like a burden.

“I’ll be back, baby, I promise. And I’ll explain everything.”

“What’s going on down there?” a new voice barged into your conversation. After the minute glance sent to the cell bars, Minseok turned back to you and pressed a long kiss to your forehead.

“I love you, ___. I’m sorry this had to happen. I’m coming back for you.”

“I don’t care.”

But as you watched your mate disappear in the ventilation, grey fog slipping through the blades, your heart clenched tight at the confusion it felt.

You did care. And it might kill you in the end.
