
The Devil’s Bride. Exorcism: Past & Present by Martin Ebon 1974 Hardcover 219 Pages. available o

The Devil’s Bride. Exorcism: Past & Present by Martin Ebon 1974 Hardcover 219 Pages. available online at www.TheGlassCoffin.RIP #TheGlassCoffin #OccultBooks #Exorcisms #TheDevilsBride (at The Glass Coffin: Vampire Parlour)

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Why is salt good for exorcism and banishing and all that jazz?

Well you see, way back in the day people knew jack-all about germs and microbes and for all they knew it was evil spirits that got into their food and made it go a-spoil.

They Noticed and Observed that when you soaked food in a Lot of Salt, food stayed good longer. So that meant that the salt was keeping the bad spirits out.

Now, tossing around salt and making salt circles makes for dramatic rituals, sure. But I think we all know that some entities are just powerful bastards and need some extra oomph to get them out of the damn house.

You know what is more potent than salt at killing bacteria and germs?


You know what’s really good for just killing all kinds of stuff very dead?

Medical autoclaves.

Now I understand that not all of you have access to autoclaves, but I understand that a good pressure cooker can also do for sterilization. So therefore, I propose that if you have yourself a haunted doll or something that isn’t reponding to the usual methods, a wash with chlorine might be in order; and if that doesn’t to the job, a visit to the Insta-Pot might teach the bastard who’s boss around here.

(Of course there might not be much of a doll left but it wasn’t like you needed to keep it around, anyway.)

✨✨Naughty Haunted Dolls✨✨

Go Into

The Autoclave
