#explains too much




Everyone complains about how annoying film students are to know but you don’t really understand the depths of film student hell until you’ve been in film classes

-The kid who tried to convince the professor that men’s rights activists were good and like feminists because he thought the class was too focused on feminism and it wasn’t fair

-The girl who was inspired by an ISIS attack to write a romantic drama about a woman who falls in love with a terrorist

-The guy who didn’t know “beat” in a script meant that you paused the length of a musical beat and would hit the table every time he saw it

-“My character is a kind, likable, smart, funny, talented jock that everyone loves. His weakness? He’s too perfect and popular.” “What’s his character arc?” “A girl who doesn’t like him learns to like him.” “But how does he grow and get better?” “Oh he doesn’t.” “What’s his flaw?” “He doesn’t have one.”

-The professor who asked us to argue one side of an argument or another for our papers but only let us use references that agreed with her opinion

-The guy reading aloud my script and didn’t understand that “he runs his hand through his hair anxiously” meant his own hair so he started anxiously running his fingers through the other guy’s hair

-“My character is based on me. He’s a nice guy who doesn’t have a lot of friends, he’s smart, girls don’t really pay attention to him and he’s never dated or had sex. … He’s not entirely based on me actually I shouldn’t have said that.”

-The professor who had us watch porn for homework then again in class while high schoolers were visiting

-The guy who was a super atheist who only wrote movies making fun of religion and took zero criticism because no one “got” his ideas

-“It’s about a society where robots have taken over all manual jobs so society is in upheaval as half the population is out of work. My main character is a super hero.” “Is he fighting against the rich people like Robin Hood?” “No he’s fighting the unemployed rioters.” “… That’s a bad idea.”

-The guy who wanted to be a voice actor so found every excuse to do his horrible voices in class with his favorites being a cartoon Asian accent and jive talk

-The time we had to be in groups and write a kids story and the group that unironically wrote about a scared bunny who learned to be brave and that playing in traffic is fun

-The film writing professor who didn’t know what the word climax meant in relation to plot points in a script and said she didn’t think films had a concept of having a story climax and it only happened in books

-“That reminds me of this time I was in the Louvre on shrooms…”

A 10,000 watt industry illuminated by 10 watt bulbs.
