#exponential growth


I’m planning a few posts in the near future, but I’m wondering which topic interests people more.

The topics I’m considering:

  • Mirrors of different shapes: I’ll explore how rays and waves are reflected by different shapes, and some interesting properties of these shapes. I have more ideas beyond the typical parabolic/elliptical/spherical mirrors, so I’m sure there’ll be more than the usual here.
  • Bees & voting systems: I’ll explore alternative voting systems being proposed, but from a less techy & more intuitive and visual perspective. I’ll also explain how bees have been using a system for millions of years and trillions of elections, and what we may be able to learn from them.
  • Snowflakes: I’ll explore current research on how snowflakes are formed, what causes their symmetry and, hopefully, have an interactive, physics-based snowflake generator as opposed to the typical geometric ones you find everywhere.
  • Exponential growth: I’ll explore how exponential growth appears in Nature and how our perception of these phenomena are inherently limited and potentially dangerous. I’ll not go be going into the typical Malthusian population angle on this.

For all of these I’m hoping to include some interactive simulation or visualization.

If you have a Twitter account, be sure to cast a vote!
