#extinct birds

 Cuspirostrisornis houi, a member of the Enantiornithes from early Cretaceous China (Jiufotang Forma

Cuspirostrisornis houi, a member of the Enantiornithes from early Cretaceous China (Jiufotang Formation, ~120 mya). They shared their forests and wetlands with creatures like the more famous PsittacosaurusandMicroraptor.

With a skull only an inch long, Cuspirostrisornis was roughly sparrow-sized. And like many other Enantiornithes, they probably did not have a full tail fan - just a floofy butt with two long ornamental feathers.

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Lectavis bretincola, a late Cretaceous member of the Enantiornithes from Argentina, chows down on a

Lectavis bretincola, a late Cretaceous member of the Enantiornithes from Argentina, chows down on a captured hermit crab.

The only fossils of this species found so far are legs, but they were long and relatively sturdy, suggesting the bird had a similar size and lifestyle to medium-sized wading birds like curlews. They lived in and around freshwater or brackish lakes and river deltas and possibly feasted on crustaceans and other invertebrates found in those habitats.

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