#extra points for flawless deployment of au fait



AITA for not being 100% truthful with my housemates, knowing they would misconstrue the situation?

I (M, 527) am not au fait with the etiquette of this site, but I am seeking the opinion of others. I told my housemates (M, 21 and F, 22, deceased) that the noise coming from the cellar was because I was building a sauna. When they called me out on it, I told them I was building a bomb, my housemate (M, 21) told a similar lie last year, keeping up the charade that he was collecting materials to build a swimming pool, when in fact they were explosives. However, the actual reason for the noise was because I had saved a man’s life. A stranger (M, 41) was hit by a car in front of our house, so I gave him some of my blood and locked him in our cellar for his own safety. Nevertheless, when my housemates found out the truth, they assumed I had attacked him and broken a promise I swore on the bib of our late ward, when this was not the case. So… AITA?
