#extraordinary means


“Because if the past year had made me certain of one thing, it was that love stories at Latham all ended the same way: with someone left behind.”

The Summary:

From the author of The Beginning of Everything: two teens with a deadly disease fall in love on the brink of a cure.

At seventeen, overachieving Lane finds himself at Latham House, a sanatorium for teens suffering from an incurable strain of tuberculosis. Part hospital and part boarding school, Latham is a place of endless rules and confusing rituals, where it’s easier to fail breakfast than it is to flunk French.

There, Lane encounters a girl he knew years ago. Instead of the shy loner he remembers, Sadie has transformed. At Latham, she is sarcastic, fearless, and utterly compelling. Her friends, a group of eccentric troublemakers, fascinate Lane, who has never stepped out of bounds his whole life. And as he gradually becomes one of them, Sadie shows him their secrets: how to steal internet, how to sneak into town, and how to disable the med sensors they must wear at all times.

But there are consequences to having secrets, particularly at Latham House. And as Lane and Sadie begin to fall in love and their group begins to fall sicker, their insular world threatens to come crashing down.

Told in alternating points of view, Extraordinary Means is a darkly funny story about doomed friendships, first love, and the rare miracle of second chances

My Thoughts:

Before I started this book, there have been warnings.

1. Prepare yourself

2. Tearjerker

3. TFIOS but waaaaaay better

But no matter how many times you’ve been warned, you still get unexpectedly hit by a wave of emotions you know would happen but it doesn’t hurt any less.

Extraordinary Means is about Lane and Sadie, two teens with incurable TB. The not so funny thing about this is while I was reading, I had a bad case of cough too. So when Lane or Sadie or anyone went *cough* *cough*, I would go *cough* *cough* SCARY.

