#extreme weight gain


Lil update of how much I jiggle

Gluttonous Gamer Girl

-To make my belly hang over my knees, and then eventually drag along the floor so it’s out of my reach, covered in stretchmarks and infinite rolls

-To condition me to cum from being stuffed so I always need to be filled to cum

-To make me too fat to masturbate so I’m reliant on them or just trying to hump my own flesh to feel something 

-To make use of all the new rolls and folds of fat they’ve added to me, fucking them instead of my pussy and making sure I’m trained to get pleasure from that

-To not let me stop gaining until I’m as big as they want me, even if I resist, because they want me to look like a circus fat lady 

-To make me so huge I’m forced to waddle around when I can still move, every part of me jiggling just for their enjoyment and amusement, out of breath and sweaty just from walking across the room

-To only be allowed to wear clothes that are slightly too small and be forbidden from doing anything that tries to hide my fat from view, if my belly doesn’t stay in my shirt I’ll have to just let it show, every humiliating inch of cellulite-ridden flab visible

-To be made to display my gluttony for all to see in public whenever my feeder wants, eating enough for 5 people and putting my body on display in crop tops and tight shorts

-To be tied down and force fed with a funnel if I’m not cooperative, because I’m going to keep getting fatter whether I want to or not. 

-To be forced to eat until I can barely move and have to use a scooter to get around, especially in public so everyone can see the consequences of what I’ve done to myself

-To make fun of me and humiliate me as much as possible so I can never forget what I’ve become, a waddling wheezing blob of lard whose only purpose is to get fatter and fatter

snotbowst1991: scionofblubber:fatmalefantasy:bigfattybc:superchubly:likesuperchubs:Especia







Especially reinforced wheelchair for super-super-superchubs up to 1.100 lbs (500 kg)!

Imagine all that jiggling belly fat bouncing over the knees!

Boyfriend goals

My goals

I want to be this huge. 

I’ll need on of these eventually


It’s weird how turned on I am by the thought of being made to keep gaining weight until I’m fat enough to need this.

Post link
#fat fetish    #feederism    #feedee    #immobility    #extreme weight gain    #immobile    #body goals    


My biggest fantasy is gaining weight without even trying and being unable to stop, either because of a feeder or because of my own gluttony and lack of self control.

I want to force myself (or be forced by someone else) to overeat, stuff and gorge myself on far more food than I need, until eventually my body becomes so used to massive portions of fattening foods that I’m unable to stop eating, that a whole tub of ice cream becomes a small and unsatisfying snack that only serves to increase my appetite. I want food to become such an important and vital part of my life that I can’t go for more than an hour without binging and stuffing my face, even if I try. I want to go through the amount of food that would currently last me a whole month, daily

I want to look at myself in the mirror every day and see that I’ve visibly put on weight, and know that there is nothing I can possibly do to lose it or even to maintain it, and that I will only get fatter and fatter for the rest of my life until I reach the point of immobility, and that I’m helpless to stop it. Helplessly stuff myself with more and more food every day, speeding the process up and causing myself to need more and more food to feel full. I want to try to diet and be forced to confront the fact that dieting only makes me fatter because I lack the willpower to go for more than a couple days without eating everything in the house in one massive binge.

I’m not particularly athletic now, but I want to feel myself lose what little muscle mass and stamina I have, powerless to stop it from happening. I want to get so winded walking from my couch to the kitchen to get a snack that I have to just sit in the kitchen floor to stuff myself, too tired and weak to stand back up and walk my food to the couch. I want to binge uncontrollably and then pass out surrounded by wrappers and crumbs, without even being able to muster up the energy to drag myself to the bed. I want to get so fat and lazy and out of shape that I can’t walk up the stairs at all, my body would just be too heavy and flabby to lift my weight up them. I want to be so weak that lifting the television remote is a struggle.

I want to get so fat I can’t see my own feet, or even my thighs past my massive hanging belly. Too fat to masturbate, too fat to walk more than ten feet at a time, so fat that my arm flab prevents me from putting my hands together because i just cant reach all the way around my huge gut. So fat that I have to have clothes tailor made for me, because no company makes clothes THAT large. So fat that I have to eat twenty course meals in one sitting to even feel not hungry, and that I have to eat even more in order to feel full. 

I want to be imprisoned by my own gluttony and obesity, unable to do anything about it. 

#immobility    #feedee    #feederism    #fat fetish    #weight gain    #extreme weight gain    #obesity    

I really just love giving in. Deciding that I’m going to make myself much bigger then I could have so ever thought

Maybe I’ve gained a liiittle

Eating is too much fun to give up even if it makes me look like a balloon

Piggy vibes

I’m gonna end up hopelessly obese and dumb aren’t I? Well feed me another donut


My shower video just went up

Watch this piggy shower off her obese body

*2 before and after pics as well*



pre covid ➡️ post covid

WARNING: This story is intended for mature readers over the age of 18 only.

Contains themes of: feedism, fat, extreme weight gain, force feeding, mild horror, teasing, non-consensual, bondage, Dominance and submission, feeder and feedee, sexual content.

This was intended to be my next Appetizer offering, but it ended up growing into something a bit larger than I had originally envisioned.  So I am posting it here as a short story.

It started out simply as some dialogue for another story I had been working on, but it ended up taking on a life of it’s own.

I hope you enjoy it.

My Greedy, Immobile, Prize Hog

By The Torture Artist

Ha-ha-ha, Just look at you piggy!

You can’t get your fat ass out of bed, can you?  You’re just like a turtle that’s been flipped on it’s back, flailing your arms about like that’s somehow going to miraculously give you enough momentum to roll yourself out of bed.  Well, sorry to break it to you tubby, but you’re not even coming close.

How long have you been trying?  Your face is beet red, and your absolutely dripping with sweat.  I think there’s a better chance of hitting the lottery, than of you getting out of that bed fatty.  Just listen to you, huffing and gasping like you’ve just participated in a marathon, Ha-ha-ha … AS IF!  Well, an EATING marathon maybe.

Ahhh, finally giving up? … I think it’s for the best.

Congratulations my gluttonous, little pig, you’ve finally gorged yourself into immobility.  I’m afraid your days of waddling about are now behind you, just like that enormous, fat ass of yours, which is also behind you, pinning you to the bed, Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha!

I knew this day would come eventually.

Oh!  I did this to you … This is my fault?

Hmmm, that’s funny, because I don’t seem to recall you ever putting up much of a fuss as I fed you, opening your greedy mouth to accept each and every delicious bite.  I simply gave you what you wanted, and all you ever wanted was more.

In fact, you always asked for more … No, practically begged for it!  You were never satisfied until you were absolutely filled to the brim, stuffed so full you could hardly breathe.  Any of that ringing a bell piggy?

Face it, food is pretty much all you think about, isn’t it pig?  Stuffing your face with as much as you can lay your grubby, little pork-pie hands on. Gorging yourself until you can’t even bare the thought of moving. Glutting yourself until you feel like you’re going to burst.

What about all the times I found your enormous ass bent over in front of the fridge digging for a late night snack?  All the bags and boxes of snacks, junk food and candy you’ve demolished between meals.  Oh, and the time I walked into the kitchen to find you dipping sticks of butter in sugar and candy sprinkles, just to satisfy your insatiable, out of control need to overindulge.  I don’t remember any of that being MY idea.

But, if blaming me makes it easier for you to accept the fact that you’ve willingly gorged yourself into massive obesity, then so be it.  I will happily take credit for every luscious pound, every jiggly ounce of pork fat, lard and blubber you’ve piled on fat ass.

I will admit, I was always more than happy to accommodate you, making sure you had anything and everything you wanted.  Enthusiastically stuffing your fat, greedy face with thousands upon thousands of delicious, fattening calories.  Delightedly gorging and glutting that massive, insatiable belly of yours.

Here now, stop struggling, it’s pointless, you’re only going to hurt yourself.  Just lay back, relax, and let me take care of everything.  Besides, mobility is overrated.  I’m here to make sure you have everything you’re ever going to need.

Now give me your wrist, were going to have some fun!

What am I going to do? … You’ll see, just give me your wrist.

There’s no point in resisting, you know I’ll get my way in the end … Now give me your wrist!  That’s it piggy, now the other … There we are.  Now to take care of your ankles in similar fashion … just need to spread your legs a bit wider … That’s it, all secure.

Oh heavens no! The restraints aren’t to keep you from trying to get away … I’m not worried about that.  Ha-ha-ha, You’ve got a pig’s chance in a bacon factory of managing such a feat.

No silly, the restraints are to keep you from being able to pull the tube out. Besides, I like the aesthetic of my big, fat, greedy pig, bound, vulnerable, and completely helpless.  It adds to the ambiance and inevitability of your situation.

The restraints will only be necessary until I’ve fattened you up enough that you can’t do anything at all, except futilely wiggle your pudgy, little hands and feet.  With the new feeding regimen I’m putting you on, it shouldn’t take long.

What tube? Why, the tube I’m going to be shoving down your greedy throat here in a few minutes.

Yes piggy, I am going to be fattening you up even more … Much, much more!  I intend to make you positively immense!  It will be fun to see just how far I can take you.

Now stop asking questions, you’ll find out as it happens.  Just enjoy as your fatty fate unfolds.

There’s really no point in trying to plead with me, this is going to happen, and there’s nothing you can do about it my foolish, gullible, little pig.

I have spent the last six years waiting upon you hand and foot, giving you anything and everything you wanted, and I have done it quite gladly. Knowing every trip to your favorite, fast food restaurants, every pizza, burger, bucket of chicken … Every pan of lasagna, every pie, cake, donut and cookie … Every mouthful I shoveled into that greedy hole of yours brought you one bite closer to where you are today … Right where I wanted you.

From the moment you unwittingly opened your greedy mouth to accept that first bacon, double, cheese burger from my hand, your fate was sealed.  Ah’ I will never forget it … The day, the exact moment, you became inexorably, MINE!

You’ve had your fun, now it’s my turn … Now, I’m going to get what I want.  I have been SOOOO looking forward to this day.

I suppose calling you cute little pet names like piggy and pig are now in the past as well, as you have clearly achieved full-blown HOG status. But if it makes you feel any better, I will always think of you as, my greedy, little piggy.

Don’t go anywhere my little, prize hog, Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha!  I’ll be right back with the equipment we’re going to need.


Ah’ right were I left you.  Ha-ha-ha-ha, I do so love a good, obedient hog.  Here’s everything we need to get started.  I know you’re as anxious as I am, so let’s just jump right in … Shall we?

Oh, don’t look so horrified my greedy, little hog, you’re going to love this. You’re not going to have to do anything at all, but just lay back and enjoy as you are stuffed with all the food you could ever want.  I’m going to keep you quite generously overfed … Gorged to the brink.

Let’s begin with the feeding tube.  Oh come now you contrary hog, you love taking the funnel.  This is just taking the funnel to the next level.  You won’t even have to expend any effort swallowing.  Food will just be pumped directly into your cavernous stomach.

Well, are you going to open up willingly and accept the feeding tube, or do I have to resort to more … Aggressive methods? … Shall I get the mouth spreader?  Wise choice my obedient hog.  There we go, Just relax, don’t fight it … Now swallow … swallow, that’s it . . . and down it goes … See, it’s not so bad.

OK, here comes the nice, big ball gag, open wide … Wider! … That’s it.  Now I’ll just fasten the straps around your head and … All set. There, that tube won’t be coming out, until I want it out.

Ah’ now don’t you just look adorable.  Ha-ha-ha-ha!

Oh, stop carrying on like someone’s trying to kill you, you ridiculous hog. Your gag reflex will settle down shortly as your throat becomes accustomed to the tube, just keep swallowing.  You’re going to be spending a lot of time with that tube down your throat, so you may as well get used to it.

It will get easier, you’ll see.

Ah, now to insert the other feeding tube.  Ha-ha-ha-ha, that’s right my clueless, little hog, I’m going to be filling you from both ends from now on, maximizing your intake.

Oh’ you didn’t know the center of the bed dropped away like that.  Well, there’s so much you don’t know my oblivious little porker.

My, it’s a tight fit, isn’t it?  Even in this huge, hog ass of yours, Ha-ha-ha-ha.  I decided upon the extra large nozzle, I wanted to make sure there weren’t going to be any leaks.  This will go much easier on you if you relax your ass, there’s no point in resisting … Yes, that’s better, and … In it goes!  Now, I’ll just inflate the retaining balloon … Voila, we’re good to go.

One final tube to insert.  This may be a little uncomfortable at first, but you’ll get used to it.  I’m afraid a catheter is the most practical way to manage things.  Diapers and bed pans are just so messy to deal with, yuck!

There we go! You’re almost ready to begin your new fluid regimen.

Oh, and don’t worry, there will still be plenty of regular food for you to eat. You’re going to be fed every four hours, for now, and in between you’ll be on continuous tube feeding, to keep you nice and full at all times.  I know how much you love being nice and full hog, Ha-ha-ha-ha, but you have no concept of what FULL truly is … However, you will very shortly.

Just need to connect the supply lines to the control panel hidden behind this picture on the wall.  Ah, I can see by the look on your face that you had no idea when I had all of this installed.  Ha-ha-ha-ha, I told you my oblivious hog, there is so much you don’t know.  You’ve been far too immersed in your gluttonous endeavors to notice all the renovations I’ve been making preparing for this day.

This must be exciting for you, all these sudden revelations.  The lifestyle choices you’ve made, causing you to fall completely under my control. The beginning of your new life as my helpless, immobile pet hog. It’s certainly all very exciting for me.

These lines lead directly to the kitchen, supplied by a series of tanks containing an ample supply, which will keep you very well fed, all day long.  I can fill the tanks with whatever I wish, and it’s all computer controlled.  I can increase and decrease the rate, adjust the pressure, even set it for regular timed intervals.  Ah, the wonders of modern technology.

Should you choose to be uncooperative at feeding time, I can always subject you to a painfully unbearable stretching, and maintain it as long as I desire.  I can even deny you the ability to relieve yourself, causing you to become distressingly backed up.  So just bare those thoughts in mind hog.  This can be a pleasant, full-filling experience, or an arduous, punishing one.  The choice is yours.

Just one last thing to set up, and then we can get started.  This little device is going to stimulate your genitals, keeping you pleasurably and frustratingly aroused any time you are eating or being tube fed.

Of course, you will not be allowed to achieve climax unless I feel you’ve earned it. If you are a good, cooperative hog, you’ll be rewarded.  But if you are a bad, disobedient hog, you will be punished.

I do hope you appreciate all the trouble and expense I’ve gone to for you.  This kind of automated, feeding apparatus doesn’t come cheap.  Oh’ we are going to have so much fun together, my greedy, little hog, Ha-ha-ha-ha!

Now, let’s get the center of the bed back in place, and raise the head up a bit. There we are, now you’re all ready.  Can’t you just feel the anticipation mounting?

Now, for my next surprise.  I’m going to be organizing a little get together for next weekend, to celebrate your descent into immobility.  Nothing too elaborate, just an intimate little gathering, a few good friends and lots of food.  I’m inviting some of my feeder friends over to play with you, and share in my accomplishment.

Imagine, a half dozen, highly aroused feeders descending upon you, keeping you stuffed to the brink all day long, as they have their way with you. Fondling you, groping you, teasing you, using you for their pleasure. It should be a lot of fun, Ha-ha-ha-ha!  We’ll see how it goes, maybe I’ll make it a regular thing.

In the meantime, caring for you and tending to your constant feeding is becoming too big a job for just one person, so I’ve enlisted the help of an assistant, another feeder.  I’ve had them on retainer for awhile, in anticipation of this momentous day, they’ll be arriving tomorrow.  Just like me, they simply love feeding and playing with big, fat, greedy hogs, they can’t wait to get started working on you.

Now, let’s get you good and stretched so you’ll be ready for my friends next weekend.

Welcome to your new life my greedy, immobile, prize hog!

#feedism    #extreme weight gain    #force feeding    #noncon    #bondage    #dominant    #submissive    #feeder    #feedee    #immobile    


confeshun of a true hog

every time im horny enuf to take sexy pics of myself, my apartment is too dirty and i can’t find a clean enuf spot to take the shots hahahaha

but wud i even be a pig if i didn’t live in a sty lol

my apartment is so dirty y’all, it’s embarrassing. food wrappers everywhere oops

no idea how i’m going to get back up from the floor lmao

I’ve gotten fatter and hotter


#female feedee    #feedism    #feederism    #feedee    #fat kink    #glorify obesity    #weight gain    #obese pig    #fat belly    #double chin    #extreme weight gain    #stuffer    #double belly    #thickhungryhoney    #gainer    #fat babe    #belly hang    

If I started an onlyfans, would people be interested?

I need teasing! Please tease me in dms. I’ve been a greedy piggy




I could barely tell what this was and it’s my own body this is so embarrassing!!!

I can’t believe that’s my fat pussy. It’s getting so hard to reach…need someone to jiggle fat so I can get off.

*BOOM* …… *BOOM* …..*wheezing* …………


You’ve turned me into an immobile slob! I can’t get out bed. My belly….I’m… so fat….. rub my belly. That feels so good mmm I’m just another morbidly obese greedy American piggy. I was meant to get heavier and slower until I can’t move. If only other young born to be pigs would give into their gluttony. We could all become huge saggy cows. We could make the avg. weight 500lbs and everyone will be so fat and round. We’ll pig out on food and grow ourselves because everything just taste soo good! We gotta let our bellies hang to the floor and our feeders will help us with everything else we need. That’s until they start giving into the temptations around them. It’s greasy food. It’s good for me and you. That’s what we need. It’s all we need.

Eat piggies eat!


I’ve spent a total of 534.45$ on fast food for the last three days and I haven’t left my bed since. I think there’s like something wrong with me. Like actually. Sometimes I randomly black out and when I wake up and I’m covered in bags and bags of fast food or I cleared out my fridge. I don’t know what to do about this black out thing. It’s like I just gorge and gorge my face with whatever I can get my fatty hands on. Pancakes..burgers..pizza especially… mmmdonutssss… I love donuts.. and then my belly swells with lard until I’m a fat balloon. Then when I see the fast food bags. I search to see if there’s any left. That’s all I focus on, but there wasn’t any left so…I ordered more. This is what you get to see after I’m a huge stuffed piggy. Watch me walk to the door, belly out and out of breath ready to shove more slop into my mouth. And I love it. My pussy is wet from the thought of my gluttony. I can’t stop even if I wanted to. Fuck im so hungry…

Piggy’s pants are gonna explode! If you wanna watch my 24/7 hour livestream of me being a huge greedy pig. Dm for entree $50 for fulltime pass

For the first time you guys! I’m having a good binge black out but I’m conscious of it. This feels so weird. It’s like I’m in hypnosis or something. My belly is so big. I can barely move. I’m shoving everything I see in my fat mouth. How did it turn out this way. I’ve destroyed myself. Cant even say I let myself go because I’ve always been obese since I was younger. I was meant to be a immobile whale. That’s the only thing that makes sense. Obviously I can’t stop eating. I can never stop and food just taste so good. I was meant to fatty. Everyone has been blowing me up on my livestream, watching me waddle around and stuff myself fatty, greasy pizza, at this point I’ve caved in. If you’re on it now then thank you for making into a slob. My goal is to fatten until the floor boards creaking beneath me. Until my wide fat ballon ass presses against the walls and my mattress is destroyed. My piggy ass stopped getting frames after I broke the last one. And it won’t stop there. If you’re ready to join obesity epidemic then join me. Fatten. Fatten big. We were meant to be hedonistic pigs. We are meant to consume. Eat piggy.

I’ve destroyed myself.

Just in case you were wondering what a 550+ 18 year old pig looks like.


I’ve spent a total of 534.45$ on fast food for the last three days and I haven’t left my bed since. I think there’s like something wrong with me. Like actually. Sometimes I randomly black out and when I wake up and I’m covered in bags and bags of fast food or I cleared out my fridge. I don’t know what to do about this black out thing. It’s like I just gorge and gorge my face with whatever I can get my fatty hands on. Pancakes..burgers..pizza especially… mmmdonutssss… I love donuts.. and then my belly swells with lard until I’m a fat balloon. Then when I see the fast food bags. I search to see if there’s any left. That’s all I focus on, but there wasn’t any left so…I ordered more. This is what you get to see after I’m a huge stuffed piggy. Watch me walk to the door, belly out and out of breath ready to shove more slop into my mouth. And I love it. My pussy is wet from the thought of my gluttony. I can’t stop even if I wanted to. Fuck im so hungry…

You’ve turned me into an immobile slob! I can’t get out bed. My belly….I’m… so fat….. rub my belly. That feels so good mmm I’m just another morbidly obese greedy American piggy. I was meant to get heavier and slower until I can’t move. If only other young born to be pigs would give into their gluttony. We could all become huge saggy cows. We could make the avg. weight 500lbs and everyone will be so fat and round. We’ll pig out on food and grow ourselves because everything just taste soo good! We gotta let our bellies hang to the floor and our feeders will help us with everything else we need. That’s until they start giving into the temptations around them. It’s greasy food. It’s good for me and you. That’s what we need. It’s all we need.


The ultimate goal is to leave you a mental and emotional wreck.

Deprive you of access to the outside world, trapping you in a destructive cycle with no way out.

And exploiting the limits of your body, fattening you to utter helplessness and defenseless.

Hopefully another thought won’t seep into your mind while I make your body into something a feeder can be proud of. You live for me, your body to store fat.

Give me your life today. I’ll fatten you until you have no tomorrow.

Please so hot

If someone needs a pig to fatten up and do whatever they want with, I am here. Literally don’t care about my life. Just wanna eat so if someone is interested in a new pig then I’m on the market for 0$. If you’re interested, just Dm me. I’ll give you my address or whatever you wanna do about transporting me. Serious inquires only!!!!!!

So I figured out how to do the livestream! Though with suggestion of raising the entry fee of $50. I’ve decided to keep it at $50. So on with the details…

Every tuesday and Thursday night I will streaming for the whole day. Tuesday 12am to 11:59pm. There is a entry fee of 50$. During these lives you will be able to watch everything I do in a day like pigging out and lazing around. You’ll be able to chat with me and give me requests. You’ll be able to donate and sponsor stuffing etc, you get the point.

50$ entry gives you a pass to every stream.

I’m keeping the price low because I’m not sure how many people will be interested. If more people are interested then I may raise fee rates, but as of now I will be keeping it.

I will be giving away some free videos with the first couple of people who so sign up. Private message me if you’re interested!

C-can’t breath daddy… h-help me!… is that ice cr-

Imma put y’all on real quick.

Watch a hypnosis till you’re really dizzy and the walls are moving. Then watch a video of your belly button jiggling. THATS A WRAP!

plus,,, if you get really high. Bro naiskdkeosls

I could barely tell what this was and it’s my own body this is so embarrassing!!!

post stuffing/ pre heavy cream chugpost stuffing/ pre heavy cream chugpost stuffing/ pre heavy cream chugpost stuffing/ pre heavy cream chugpost stuffing/ pre heavy cream chugpost stuffing/ pre heavy cream chugpost stuffing/ pre heavy cream chug

post stuffing/ pre heavy cream chug

Post link


Big Jiggly Girl ✨ god I love being fat
