#eyewitness imagine


Type: One shout about Lukas + Philip (Eyewitness)
Rating: Rated PG 
Trigger Warning: Bullying
Word Count: 2400+

Summer was coming to an end and Lukas was dreading going back to school. It seems like in the summer he could truly be who he was without anyone judging him. He could be with Philip and no one questioned it, it was just easier in the summer. Lukas got onto his dirt bike and went down to the lake. He smiled when he saw Philip sitting on the shore. He snuck up behind Philip and sat behind him. Wrapping his arms around him, Philip smiled and leaned back against Lukas. 

“Nice surprise,” Philip said.

“I just saw you sitting here all alone,” Lukas said.

“Waiting for you,” Philip said. 

“Oh were you?” Lukas said as he kissed Philips’s cheek.

“Yea I always am” Philip placed his hands on Lukas’s arms. 

“I hate that tomorrow is the day we go back” Lukas sighed.

“I know babe” Philip pouted.

Lukas just held Philip as they looked out towards the water. Resting his head against Philip. He just wanted to stay like this forever. Philip pulled away from Lukas’s hold and got up, reaching back for Lukas’s hand. Lukas smiled and grabbed his hand and got up. Lacing their fingers together as they walked towards the cabin. Lukas unlocked the door and held the door open for Philip, making sure the door was locked after they entered. 

“Come here,” Philip said as he patted the spot next to him on the bed. 

“What?” Lukas smiled as he laid next to Philip

Lukas laid his head down on Philip’s chest as Philip played with his hair. Lukas traced patterns against Philips’ stomach, playing with his shirt. Lukas started to drift off to sleep so was Philip. Lukas woke up later on when he heard Philip’s phone going off. 

“Hey wake up,” Lukas said as he gently nudged Philip

“Uh?” Philip said as he started to wake up.

“Your phone is going off,” Lukas said.

“Probably wanting to know if I’m coming home for dinner,” Philip said. 

“Let’s go get dinner and watch a movie?” Lukas said as he laid back against Philip.

“How long were we asleep for?” Philip asked.

“I honestly have no idea,” Lukas said.

“Let’s go get something to eat,” Philip said. 

Lukas got up off the bed and reached for Philip’s hand. Philip got off the bed and took Lukas’s hand, leaving the cabin. Lukas got onto his bike and handed Philip the other helmet. Philip put the helmet on and got on the back of Lukas’ bike. Holding onto Lukas as they left the cabin. Heading towards town, going to one of their favorite spots to eat. They ordered take-out and went to the lake to watch the sunset. Philip took a bite from the cake and got a piece for Lukas. Holding it up to Lukas’s lips, Lukas smiled and took a bite. 

“Oops,” Philip said as he got chocolate on Lukas’s lip.

“What?” Lukas said.

“Come here,” Philip said as he leaned in and kissed Lukas. 

Lukas smiled against Philips’s lips before kissing him back. Philip pulled back to make sure he got the chocolate off but then went in for another kiss. Lukas grabbed Philips’s shirt pulling him closer as he kept the kiss between them. Philip pulled on Lukas’s bottom lip before pulling away from the kiss. He went back to eating as did Lukas. They finished eating and cleaned up before sitting on the shore. Enjoying the last few seconds of summer, as the sun disappeared. 

“See you tomorrow,” Philip said.

“You know the deal,” Lukas said.

“I know that deal. We don’t know each other” Philip nodded.

“I’m just not ready,” Lukas said.

“Hey,” Philip said as he pulled Lukas close, “I told you, take your time. I’m not going anywhere” Philip said.

“I love you,” Lukas said as he kissed Philip. “How did I get so lucky?” Lukas said.

“I don’t know,” Philip smiled. 

Philip leaned in and kissed Lukas once more before leaving. They both went home and got some sleep, but Lukas couldn’t sleep. He was worried someone would find out about him and Philip. Especially his dad, he knew it would be bad if his dad found out. Around 6 am he decided just to get up and get ready for school. He went downstairs and made him some breakfast, he sat down to eat when his father walked in. 

“Morning,” his dad said.

“Morning,” Lukas said.

“Ready for school?” His dad asked.

“Yea,” Lukas said. 

“Have a good day,” his dad said.

“Thanks,” Lukas said as he finished eating.

He placed his dishes in the sink and left the house. He made it to school as he was walking up to the doors. He noticed Philip getting dropped off. He quickly looked away as he entered the building.  Lukas made his way to his locker, placing his bookbag in it and just grabbing a notebook. When he closed his locker Rose was standing there.

“Hey, you,” she said.

“Hey Rose,” Lukas said as he placed his arm around her shoulders. 

“How have you been?” she asked as she walked with him.

“I’ve been good, busy this summer,” He said.

“I know, your father said that you were out of town,” she said.

“Yea mainly all summer,” she said. 

“Weird, your father said you got back last month,” she said.

“Yea but still busy” he nodded. “You know I would spend all my time with you if I could,” he said.

“I know,” she smiled. 

He walked her to her class before making his way to his class. He realized Philip was also in the class. He sat with his friends and started joking around with them. The class started and everyone got quiet. Lukas looked back at Philip a few times before paying attention to what the teacher was saying. After the class ended Lukas went to the bathroom and pulled Philip in as he walked by.

“Whoa,” Philip said.

“It’s just me,” Lukas said.

“I thought you didn’t want anyone to know, ” Philip said.

“No one is in here,” Lukas said as he pushed Philip against the wall. Placing his hand on his cheek and kissing him softly. 

Philip smiled against Lukas’s lips before kissing him back. Gripping Lukas hips as he kept the kiss between them. Lukas pulled on Philips’s bottom lip before pulling away. Lukas left the bathroom first and a few seconds later Philip left. Their schedules were different after the first period so they barely even saw each other. After school Lukas was making his way to his car when he noticed Philip. Philip was leaving the building but people were messing with him. Lukas rushed over when he saw them push Philip down. 

“Hey, leave him alone,” Lukas said.

“We are just having fun with the new kid,” someone said.

“Yeah weird new kid” someone else said.

“Leave him alone,” Lukas said as he helped Philip up. 

The guys walked off and Lukas took Philip to his car.  They both got in the car and pulled off, Philip was pretty quiet on the ride. 

“What’s wrong?” Lukas asked.

“Nothing, I’m fine,” Philip said.

“No, you’re not, what’s wrong?” Lukas asked again.

“Nothing Lukas,” Philip said.

“Babe?” Lukas said as he pulled over. 

“Just leave it alone,” Philip said.

“No  I won’t, I want to know what’s wrong,” Lukas said. 

“Just not a good day,” Philip said.

“Who else is messing ‘with you?” Lukas said. 

“Just everyone,” Philip said. 

“Tell me who and I’ll get them to back off, ” Lukas said.

“Can you just take me home?” Philip said. 

“Ok,” Lukas said as he pulled off and took Philip home.  

Philip got out of the car and just went inside. Lukas pulled off and went home. He hated that Philip didn’t have a good day and that people were messing with him. The next day Lukas was at his locker when Philip walked by. 

“I’m sorry about yesterday,” Philip said.

“It’s ok,” Lukas said.

“What are your friends with the weird kid?” Rose said as she walked up.

“Mind your business Rose,” Lukas said.

“Defensive much” Rose said as she crossed her arms.

“It’s nothing, he was just asking me something,” Lukas said.

“Uh-huh,” Rose said as she grabbed Lukas’s hand. “Sorry new boy he’s mine,” Rose said as she pulled Lukas away. 

Lukas looked back at Philip and mouthed sorry before walking Rose to her class.  He made his way to his class and sat down, not even saying anything to his friends. Philip walked in and took his seat as the teacher walked in. The class started and Lukas kept looking at Philip just wanting to know if he was ok. Lukas tried to focus on the class but he was just worried about Philip. After the class, Lukas waited for Philip to walk by the bathroom but he didn’t. He knew he would see him at the prep rally later this afternoon. Lukas went on with his classes and afterward went to the prep rally. He was already sitting down, looking for Philip. As Philip was walking into the gym the two guys were right after him. They tripped him up and Philip fell to the ground. 

“Watch where you’re going,” the guy said.

“Yea new kid,” the other one said laughing.

“Leave him alone” Lukas rushed over there.

“Aw, your boyfriend is here,” the guy said.

“BACK OFF! ” Lukas said as he helped Philip up. 

“Why do you care about this new kid so much?” Rose asked.

“His name is Philip!” Lukas said.

“And why do you care about him?” Rose asked.

“Because he’s my boyfriend!” Lukas said. The mic was on and everyone could hear Lukas. 

“Are you serious?” Rose crossed her arms.

“Yes, I am,” Lukas said as he looked at Philip. “So everyone can leave him alone!” Lukas said. 

“Babe calms down,” Philip said.

“NO I’M SICK OF IT! Just because he’s new means you tease and beat him? No that’s not COOL” Lukas said. 

Philip grabbed Lukas’s hand and pulled him out of the gym. Pushing him against the wall, resting his hand on Lukas’s chest. 

“Calm down,” Philip said. “Everyone knows now” he looked at Lukas.

“I don’t care, you don’t deserve that,” Lukas said.

“Shh,” Philip said as he tried to get Lukas to calm down.

“Are you ok?” Lukas asked.

“Yea I’m fine, hurt my wrist but I’m ok,” Philip said.

“Let me see,” Lukas said as he gently grabbed Philips’s hand. 

“It’s ok,” Philip said as he looked at Lukas.

“Are you sure?” Lukas asked as he brushed his thumb against Philips’ wrist

“Yes, babe,” Philip said. 

“Ok” Lukas nodded. “I hate seeing you hurt,” Lukas said.

“Come on, let’s go,” Philip said as he grabbed Lukas’ hand.

They walked back into the gym and everyone started clapping for them. Mainly everyone was proud of Lukas for standing up for Philip. Proud of Lukas being ok with being himself and just being free. Lukas smiled and grabbed Philips’s hips and kissed him softly. Philip smiled against his lips before kissing him back. They took a seat as the prep rally started, Lukas placed his arm around Phillps waist. 

“I can get used to this,” Lukas said.

“What? Having me all to yourself?” Philip asked.

“Yes and just being myself” Lukas kissed Philip’s cheek.

“It’s great to be yourself,” Philip smiled.

“Yea it is,” Lukas nodded. “Still not ready to tell my dad yet,” Lukas said,

“Baby steps,” Philip said. “But I thought you were Rose’s man,” Philip said.

“You knew the truth from the start,” Lukas said.

“I know,” Philip said. 

After the prep rally, they left and Lukas dropped Philip off. He made it home and his dad was waiting for him. Someone told his dad what happened at the prep rally. 

“We need to talk,” His dad said as he walked in.

“What about?” Lukas asked. 

“You,” his dad said. 

“Ok” Lukas nodded and went into the kitchen. 

They had an open and honest conversation about Lukas’s sexuality. His father was upset at first but then realized that this is what made his son happy. All he wanted was for Lukas to be happy. It wasn’t as bad as Lukas made it out to be and his father supported him. Lukas went up to his room and laid down. He realized that everyone who cared about him only wanted what was best for him and for him to be happy. He texted Philip that he could come over and there was no more hiding. Philip made his way to Lukas’s house. He went straight upstairs to where Lukas was at. Laying between Lukas’s legs, resting his head on his chest. 

“How did he find out?” Philip asked.

“Someone told him about the prep rally,” Lukas said.

“I’m sorry,” Philip said.

“No don’t be, it was a good conversation and he supports me,” Lukas said.

“That’s good babe,” Philip said.

“Yea it is,” Lukas said. “Breath of fresh air now,” Lukas said.

“I’m happy for you,” Philip said.

“I can always be with you now,” Lukas smiled.

“Yes you can be,” Philip said. 

They cuddle for the rest of the night. Lukas enjoyed being himself now and didn’t feel the pressure of being someone else. He could be himself and be with the person he loved. Sometimes the things we are scared of aren’t as scary as we think they are.


Type: One Shot | Imagine About Phillip and Lukas
P.O.V: Lukas
Rating: Rated R For Sexual Content (Kinda)
Word Count: 2,219
Day 2: Soulmates

I slammed the locker door as I slipped my bookbag over my shoulders. I started to walk down the hallway, I sighed with all these freshman standing the hallway. I tried to get through the crowd and ended up running into someone. I leaned down and picked up the books that other person dropped. I placed them in his hands as our eyes meet, I tried to shake it off.

“Sorry” I said.

“it was my fault should be watching where Im going” he said.

“Nah it was my fault, Im sorry” I said.

“Thank you for picking up my books” he smiled slightly.

“No problem” I started to walk away.

I never saw that person in our school before, he must of been new. I rolled my eyes as I caught myself thinking about him. There was something there between us but there was no way that things would work out. Im not gay am I? I started to question everything about my life, I finally made my way to my class. I sunk down in my seat as it seemed I couldn’t get him off my mind. Im sure I would never see him again, it was a big school so the possibilities weren’t likely. I tried to focus on the subject at hand but no matter how hard I tried I couldn’t shake this. I was thankful when the bell rung and it was time to leave school. I went to my lock to exchange my books as I felt someone walk up to me.

“Hey babe” Rose said as I shut my locker.

“Oh hey” I smiled slight.

“Whats going on?” she asked.

“Nothing, just been a long day” I said.

“Alright, Ill see you later” she said.

I finally made it to my bike when I saw him again. He started to walk towards me and it seemed like I froze. He finally got over to where I was standing at.

“Hey, we bumped in the hallway, Im Philip” he said.

“Im Lukas” I said.

“So you are into motor cross?” he asked.

“Something like that” I nodded.

“That’s cool, can I get a ride?” he asked.

“Sure” I placed my helmet on as I handed him my spare.

He placed his helmet on as well as I got on my bike. I started it up as he got on the back, snaking his arms around my waist. I pumped the gas and we were off, I wanted to show him where I normally rode. I felt his grip tighten as he went up a few hills. I didn’t want to scar him to much so I dropped him off before pulling off showing him a few tricks. I saw him pull out his phone and record, I surly wanted to make a good first impression. I finally came back to where he was, removing my helmet.

“What did you record?” I asked.

“Just you” he smiled as he showed me his phone.

“Wow, you are amazing” I smiled.

“Thanks” he looked up at me.

“Are you new around here?” I asked.

“Kinda” he nodded.

“I thought I never saw you around school” I said.

“Maybe that’s a good thing, ” he said.

“Why do you say that?” I asked.

“It’s better that I’m invisible, ” he said.

“I think you are pretty cool, ” I said.

I suggested going to my dad’s cabin, he agreed as we started to walk. I pushed my bike to the cabin as we started to talk. Once we got into the cabin I shuffled things into the refrigerator and pulled out two beers. I handed him one as I sat down next to him. He popped the tops off both of ours before we clinked them together. I took a sip of mine as I caught him staring at me.

“What’s your deal?” I asked.

“Uh?” he asked as he took a sip from his drink.

“You stare” I looked at him.

“What can I saw I like what I see, ” he smiled.

“You’re gay?” I asked.

“Yeah, ” he nodded.

I just looked at him not knowing what to say. He moved slightly closer to place his hand on my cheek. He brushed his thumb against my skin as we locked eyes. Leaning towards me as his lips softly touch mine, I closed my eyes as I kissed him back. I placed my hand on the back of his neck as I kept the kiss between us. There was a spark between us that I couldn’t explain. He slightly pulled away as he rested his forehead against mine. His hand still against my cheek as I looked at him. I was nervous, had butterflies and beyond shocked that I actually like him.

“Never thought you would enjoy it” him bite his lip.

“No, something about you, ” I whispered.

“Just chemistry” he peeked my lips slightly.

“I could get used to this” I smiled.

“Good, ” he said.

Over the next few weeks Philip and I hung out and got to know each other better. He still gave me butterflies as from day one, Philip was the one I felt I needed to be with. Of course that would be far to Rose so I decided to end our relationship. I knew prom was coming up and I wanted to ask Phillip, just trying to figure out how. I decided to sit up a cute lunch for us in the courtyard. I caught him before he could get in line for lunch.

“Come with me, ” I said.

“Sure, ” he said as he walked with me.

I let him outside and I saw the smile grow on his face as he saw what I did. I grabbed his hand and lead him to the table. Helping him sit down before taking my seat next to him. Holding his hand under the table as I watched him. He could tell I was nervous but that was normal when I was around him.

“What is all of this for?” he asked.

“I wanted to ask you something” I said.

“Sure what?” he turned to face me.

“Phillip” I grabbed the rose handing it to him. “Will you go to prom with me?” I asked.

“Aw look a Lukas” he smelled the rose.

“Can you answer my question” I played with his fingers.

He titled my chin up kissing me softly, smiling as he pulled away. He nodded his head yes as I looked at him. I felt the smile grow on my face as I knew I was going with Phillip. Somehow from meeting him to know I fell in love with him. Prom was only a few days away and we needed to get a tux. We both went different shops so we could surprise each other on prom night. We still hung out every night at the cabin, but on prom night we stayed away from each other. I took my dads car to go pick him up, I leaned against the car as I waited for him to come out. Once he walked out my heart started to race as the butterflies in my stomach started again. It was like I couldn’t catch my breath, he was perfect. He was everything I wanted and then more, even though I never though I would be into guys.

“Wow, ” I said as he finally made his way to me.

“I could say the same about you, ” he said as he pulled me to him.

“You are perfect” I looked at him.

“Why thank you Lukas” he smiled.

“Glad I got you on my arm, ” I leaned down to kiss him softly.

“Same, ” he smiled into the kiss.

I grabbed his hand and lead him to the other side of the car, opening the door for him. I closed it as soon as I knew he was in. I made my way to the other side, getting in and starting the car. He reached over, grabbing my hand, calming my nerves slightly. I pulled off from his driveway heading downtown to where prom was being held. We had small talk during the ride. I parked the car and opened his door for him. I held my hand out for him, he took it as we walked into prom together. We got our pictures taken and meet with our friends. I got us some lemonade as we sat down talking to our friends.

“Want to dance?” he asked.

“With you?” I asked.

“Of course with me, ” he smiled as he got up.

“Sure” I grabbed his hand as he lead me to the dance floor.

There was fast paced music playing, but there was also slow music as well. He wrapped his arms around my waist as I rested my head against his shoulder. As we swayed to the music, it just felt right between us.

“I love you Phillip” I said into his ear.

“I love you Lukas” he said into my ear.

We continued to have an amazing time at prom. Once the clock struck midnight we left so we could get back home. Instead of dropping him off at his place I took him to the cabin. I pulled him inside as I messed with his tie. I shut the door behind us as he pushed me back against the wall. Kissing me softly but with passion as my hands held his cheeks. His hands on my hips as we kept the kiss between us. I moved my hands down to his chest as I started to unbutton his shirt, rubbing his chest. He pulled his jacket off as well as his shirt. He started to undo my shirt, pushing my jacket off. I ran my hands up the back of his neck as I looked at him. I pushed him back onto the bed moving over him as I leaned down kissing him softly. I rested between his legs as I looked down at him.

“Like the view?” He asked.

“Yea” I smiled as I leaned back down.

He leaned up kissing me softly, moving his hand in his pocket. Grabbing a condom from his pocket, I grabbed his hand taking the condom into mine. I looked into his eyes making sure this was something he wanted. He nodded his head towards me as he pulled on my pants. He undid my pants pushing them off, I undid his as he lifted his hips. I removed them from his hips and rested between his legs once again as we were both naked. I kissed him more intensely as I slipped my hand down his stomach. I sat up as I opened the condom, slipping it on me. Rubbing him softly in my hand as he started to get hard. That night I made love to the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I knew we were young but I could just tell that he was my soulmate. I needed to make it office and my last choice to claim in front of everyone was graduation. I bought a ring the day before graduation, I wanted a promise ring for him. I wasnt ready to marry him but this was a promise ring that said I would soon. The morning of graduation I was a bunch of nerves but everything was planned and ready to go.

“Why are you so nervous?” Phillip asked as he took my hand.

“Its graduation” I said.

“Its ok” he rubbed my back.

We had to go our separate ways so we could line up. We finally went out to the crowd that was waiting for us. Just sitting there waiting was the hardest part. Soon they called me up on stage before they started to hand out diplomas. The only one that was confused was Phillip, I have had this planned every since the day after prom.

“Hey guys, I hope everyone’s dreams come true after graduation” I said into the mike. “Can I have Phillip come up here?” I asked.

He got up from his seat and made his way to the stage. I reached out to grab his hand pulling him close to me.

“The day we meet a lot of people would say it was a mistake, but I say it was meant to happen. There was something there between us that day. We became friends and then more, you have bought meaning back into my life. And bought the true me out, Phillip I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I bought you a promise ring to say one day I’ll replace it with an actual ring” I said as I pulled out the ring.

I saw him tear up as he looked at me. I guess he got choked up as he nodded his head yes. I slipped the ring on his finger as everyone started to clap. I hugged him to me rubbing his back trying to calm him down. We finally left the stage and went back to our seats. So on graduation was over, but our lives were just starting, I got to spend the rest of my life with the guy who stole my heart.
