#ezra prospect smut



Starman Chapter Fifteen.

My dearest loves, this is nothing but loving smut and it starts immediately. Obviously I have warnings about being 18+ everywhere on my blog but we’re going to reiterate for this chapter! There’s some kissing, oral sex (both m and f receiving), unprotected p in v and exploration of some (hopefully) interesting differences between their physicalities….we also flip back and forth between perspectives here for the first time.

I have tried to be mindful of not attributing many physical characteristics to “her” beyond the fact that she has hair and is a cis woman. This continues here.

Word count 4.7k


Chapter Fifteen

Keep reading

Taglist - @the-blind-assassin-12@cannedsoupsucks@doommommy@shirks-all-responsibilities@taciturnsprocket@chaoticgeminate@thisshipwillsail316@prostitute-robot-from-the-future@elegantduckturtle@dihra-vesa@midwesternwitchery@just-here-for-the-moment@eri16@readsalot73@littlemisspascal@princessxkenobi@harriedandharassed@theassbuttchronicles@tentacruels

Starman Chapter Fifteen.

My dearest loves, this is nothing but loving smut and it starts immediately. Obviously I have warnings about being 18+ everywhere on my blog but we’re going to reiterate for this chapter! There’s some kissing, oral sex (both m and f receiving), unprotected p in v and exploration of some (hopefully) interesting differences between their physicalities….we also flip back and forth between perspectives here for the first time.

I have tried to be mindful of not attributing many physical characteristics to “her” beyond the fact that she has hair and is a cis woman. This continues here.

Word count 4.7k


Chapter Fifteen


She had barely kicked the door to her bedroom shut before she was dragging the material of his t shirt up and over his head, the static electricity catching at his curls and pulling them unnaturally upward in a false display of anti gravity. The tension between them was taut and thrumming, a culmination of desire and deferral and desperation. She all but hurled herself at him, and he caught her easily - his lips meeting hers perfectly and his arm slipping around her waist and up her back, using her own momentum to pull her near and press her close. Her hands were on his chest, sliding up his neck to come to rest in his curls, her fingers tangling in them as she pressed his lips upon hers even more forcefully and swallowing his groan of bliss.

The feeling of purest craving between them was sharp, an edge of delicious biting that cut through the haze of decadent, dizzying, mellow love and made them feel as if they were soaring. Their bodies sought the other, instinctively feeling toward the sheer rightness of being so close together. One of her hands left him and he felt it as a momentary echoing, gaping loss. And then he realised that she was pulling at her clothes, the buttons on her trousers already undone and more of her skin unveiled to him. He shoved his hand at the coarse fabric, helping to push it over the swell of her backside and delighting in the unexplored soft expanse under his fingertips. She sighed into his mouth at his touch, wriggled her hips until the trousers fell from her to pool at her feet. It was a movement that he found simultaneously adorable and immensely arousing. She continued to fumble at the fabric on her body and suddenly her underwear also fell unceremoniously to the floor. He found his thoughts warring with themselves. To break the kiss and to drink in the sight of her, or to hold her tight and continue to run his tongue over hers, to capture her lower lip between his teeth…The need for oxygen decided for him and he pressed his forehead against hers briefly as their breath mingled in the small space between them.

She stepped backward, allowing him to see, inviting him to watch. She was perfect, every inch of her heavenly, and he found that even though he now had the space to take a breath in he didn’t feel that he could, struck as he was by finally seeing more of her body bared to him. She looked into his eyes and held his gaze as she removed her top and her remaining undergarment and finally there she stood - naked, wanting, all for him. She was unashamed and unabashed and he could see the fire within her eyes burn hotter as she watched him watch her and ravage her without touch. She said something that he barely heard over her nakedness crowding his senses and blinked stupidly at her words, his brain too slow to catch their meaning. It was only then that he realised that they had left the translator on the couch, everything except they two quite forgotten about and unimportant in the moment. She seemed to come to the same realisation and her smile was somehow both soft and rapacious as she stepped forward to undress him too, her eyes greedily roving his body and face as she did. He was hard already, had been so since she had straddled him downstairs, since the thrumming pull between them had finally snapped and tipped into deed, since he had felt the now-familiar yet still thrilling zip and tingle of electricity as they touched and allowed his most primal desires to come to the forefront. Touch her, taste her, love her.

Lunging forward, she kissed him again, a harsh and desperate meeting of their mouths as she dragged his trousers off, silently praising the delay in delivery that meant that the underwear that she had bought him online had still not arrived. The hard muscle and warmth of his thighs met her hand as she tugged downward at his clothes, and her fingers immediately slid back upward to cup him, to run her fingers softly up the velvety skin of the underside of his length. He juddered, his cock twitching as his breath caught in his chest at her touch and he pushed himself closer to her, his own hand coming up to grasp at the swell of her breast, her nipple skating over the dry warmth of his large palm. She ran her thumb over the head of his cock, rubbing the wet stickiness down his shaft to begin slowly and firmly stroking him. She wanted to hear every groan, every tiny exhalation of breath, every word that he uttered even if she couldn’t understand them and she pressed her forehead against his own and looked downward to watch herself pleasure him. The glistening, reddened tip of his cock was disappearing in and out of her fist as she moved and he simultaneously fucked himself gently into her hand and the warmth of his lips ghosted over her ear and neck, his breath tickling hot against her skin as he moaned her name. Suddenly she was moving backward as he crowded her against the door, the coolness of the wood at her back a sharp contrast to the heat of his body against hers.

“I love you,” he murmured in breathy, broken syllables against her skin. “Kevva, I love you.”

Before she could respond his hand was upon hers, gently moving it from him. She gave an unintentional whine at the loss of contact and the needy little noise served to quirk his lips into a brief grin before he was on his knees before her, mouthing greedily at the skin of her breast until he took her nipple into his mouth. He could feel her trembling already at the sensations his attentions had bestowed, and he slipped his fingers down over her chest, capturing her other nipple and sliding it between his fingers as he twisted his tongue at the same time. Her skin was divine, soft and smelling of sweetness and something indefinable that was purely her own. His markings on his arm and back pulsated in time with his increased heartbeat and he was extremely aware of his cock too, now neglected and swollen between his legs. But he could wait. He wanted to hear her come, wanted to tease those feelings from her with his tongue and his fingers before he slid inside of her, wanted to see her face as he made her fall apart.

His hand progressed downward, the friction of his fingertips over her torso increased by a thin sheen of sweat. Not just because he was more aroused than he remembered being in a very long time, but also due to the slight itch of nervousness still present in the back of his mind, the desire to lose himself in her pleasure warring with the fact that he had never done this with a mate before. Would it be different than what he had known? For them both? Was the act as he knew it the same for her? They had certainly begun the right way judging by how her hand was once again tangled in his hair and she was pressing him ever tighter against her breast. His fingers drifted further down her body, mindful of her ticklish spots and her navel before he stroked over the wiry curls of her mound and over the smooth expanse of her thigh. He looked up at her and found her bright, beautiful eyes trained on his, saw the waves of desire and pleasure within them.

His eyes were breathtaking, dark pits of love and lust that swallowed her whole as his tongue lapped over her nipple. It had been so long since someone other than her own self had touched her in this way, had been even longer since she felt adoration of this kind and intensity while they had. He murmured something in between kisses that smeared his saliva over her chest, between swapping one nipple for another and beginning to lavish attention there as well. She couldn’t understand him, but his hand was stroking down the muscle of her thigh and back up, goosebumps appearing upon her in its wake. She moved her feet further apart and opened up to him, more from her own unconscious desire to do so than because she thought that was what he was asking, but he hummed in gratification nonetheless and she held his gaze as she felt one thick finger breach her. The noise her body made as she accepted him would have been embarrassing if she had felt any less comfortable in his presence, if she had cared about anything else except this moment right here. She was so wet, so utterly ready for all of him and all he would give, and as he gently rocked his hand into her she gasped his name, her voice unrecogniseable to herself in its whining cadence of desperation.

She was so close already, so ready to let go and have him take care of her. A second finger joined the first and she clenched around him as he pressed deeply within her and moved over something truly wonderful, a place she herself could never reach, that so few ever had. Her orgasm was building, progressing swiftly, but in a different way than she had ever felt before. The tingling crackle between them seemed to be focused on that spot between his fingers and her, and the thought briefly flitted through her mind that he was intentionally makingthat happen before she was suddenly, unexpectedly coming around him, the syllables of his name falling from her lips as her knees shook and her body shuddered against the door. That was…not usual. Not for her. She always needed clitoral stimulation. She had come close without it on occasion, but she always needed that little push over the edge. That he had wrought this was astonishing in the best kind of way and she rested her head against the wood behind her, breathless and full of love and the embers of her glow.

He withdrew, and immediately sucked his fingers, eyes closed and lost in the decadence of experiencing her in this way. The purest nectar flowed from this woman. Her arousal was sweet and salt and opulence and he wanted to lap right from the source. The blissed out satiety on her face was everything he had dreamed and as he stood and took her hand, drew her gently to him to kiss her and shared the taste he was already insatiable for, his hot, thick cock pressed against her stomach and spread his own arousal over her skin, the slight pressure and friction of the movement providing a very brief moment of respite. He pulled her toward the bed, his mind full of visions of her spread out, a banquet, a bouquet all for him. She let him lead her, seemed a little dazed by what had just transpired and just a hint of smugness touched his lips as he spun her gently and pushed her down on to the bed. He stood over her for a moment, allowing his gaze to rake up her body and meet her eyes, where he saw the same hunger he felt reflected back at him. Before he had a chance to do anything else she sat up and kissed the tip of his cock, chastely to begin with, as chaste as such an action can be, and then…the warmth of her breath making him shiver as she slowly kissed all the way down his length and up again. A curse fell from his lips as he resisted the urge to cant his hips forward in search of that exquisite mouth and instead let her do what she would with him. Her lips, so softly sweet and now mouthing gently at the head of him, her tongue brushing feather-light licks against his cock and now travelling down, down the underside, following the ridge of a vein until -

Kevva above, he had to fight not to come there and then, and the thought of her pretty face covered in him made it decidedly more difficult to resist doing just that. The heat of her mouth had enveloped him, soft and firm and wet all at the same time and he resisted every urge in his body to move, not wanting to hurt her, not wanting to overwhelm. But she was still going, still taking him, and now he could feel himself hitting the back of her throat and the squeeze of her swallowing around him. He realised he had closed his eyes in deepest rapture and now they snapped open and he focused on her again, her eyes big and round and full of a smugness of her own at the sound of a shuddering whimper he now recognised as coming from his throat. Her hands had come to curl around his thighs, fingers digging into his flesh and she pulled him even closer, deeper, down to the root of him, her nose buried in the hair at his groin.

He couldn’t…he mustn’t…It might be too overwhelming for her…

He brought his hand to her jaw and cradled her face before gently pulling himself backward. She understood at once and released him, the slightly panicked questioning in her eyes a barb to his heart. She thought she had done something wrong when nothing could be further from the truth. He gazed at her and smiled his joy, trying to communicate without words that he just wanted to pay attention to her right now. And so he bent down and kissed her again, softly stroking the hair back from her face as he did so. He felt her relax into the kiss, felt her tension leave her once again.

She allowed him to push her gently back on to the bed and begin to manoeuvre her. First he put one leg on the mattress and then the other, and she teased him by keeping her legs together as he did so. He kissed the hard bone of her kneecaps, kissed a path down her shins until he was kneeling down again, a supplicant before her. But of course now she couldn’t see him. Unacceptable. She felt only a little shyness as she parted her legs and allowed him to see her fully, revelling in the utter devotion she could see written upon his face.


Further silence.

A creeping doubt began to worry at her. Why was he so still? Why had he stopped touching her? She sat up a little way to take a better look, bracing herself on her elbows to do so.

Ezra had been prepared for the possibility of differences, but he hadn’t quite anticipated what he might do when actually faced with one. Her face suddenly came into view fully, embarrassed apprehension written all over her features. He didn’t want her to feel as if he didn’t desire her because quite frankly he had never been this hard in his life, with or without chemical aid. But he didn’t quite understand what he was looking at and he didn’t want to hurt her or do anything wrong. He slid his hand under one of hers and interlocked their fingers. His eyes begged her for guidance as he moved their hands, and she sat up fully, moving with the motion he was encouraging.

What was he doing? He had seemed so sure of everything just a second ago and now…But she could see the markings on his arm, swirling eddies of rainbow colour sliding over the patterns there, could see him jutting upward still thick and leaking for her. His continuing desire was evident in so many ways. So what was…ah. She had been caught out - so wrapped up in what they were doing and finally seeing all of him and having him so close and exactly where she wanted that she had totally forgotten that they were not of the same world. Even his smooth stomach wasn’t a shock anymore. It was just…Ezra. Another part of him that she loved. And everything else seemed pretty much what she was used to…even though he was blessed by any Earth standard. She sat up fully and cradled his face with her free hand, kissing him to reassure him that she understood. Or thought she did. She leant backward once again and opened herself wider to him as her hand wandered the familiar path down her body to where her clit was ready and aching, bringing him along with her.

He could feel her fingers performing a delicate, circular dance upon that part of her anatomy that was unfamiliar to him. The effect was near-instantaneous. Her breathing increased and a sighing moan escaped her as her eyes fluttered shut. He brought his hand back down to his thigh, to allow her space and the better to see what she was doing. He was fascinated - by her beauty, the slick arousal leaking from her and beginning to drip on to the bed, by the movement of her fingers, by the fact that at least one of her pleasure centres seemed to be on the outside of her body. He stared, transfixed by the sublime sight of her playing with herself and squeezed his cock hard just once, just to obtain a small measure of the same. He had an overwhelming urge…

Her pleasure spiked harshly as she felt his teeth graze the inside of her knee. The edge was welcome, needed. With him so close she wanted him to be doing this to her, wanted hismouth,hisfingers,his body. He kissed further up her thigh and bit a little more insistently as he did so. The tiny vein of pain was delicious and she uttered her own curse as she felt it seep into her body, mingling with her gratification and enhancing it, pushing her closer to the edge again.

As he began to kiss over her fingers she stilled her movement. He nudged her hand out of the way, the beautiful prominence of his nose making her shiver deliciously as it brushed over her clit. He inhaled her, breathed her in. Again. Again. Before the wet, strong heat of his tongue licked a tentative stripe where she had been touching herself and she instinctively clutched at his curls, not wanting him to go anywhere except where he already was. He made a noise of satisfaction and his tongue curled and twisted around her, mimicking the movements he had seen her make with her fingers mere seconds before. God, it was incredible. The fog of his breath against her, the hum of desire that vibrated through her core, the breach of his fingers yet again…

Kevva, this was incredible. He had tasted women here before of course, but his tongue had always worked directly in tandem with his hand inside to enhance their pleasures as his fingers brushed soft electrical impulses within them. Now it was like two different movements, but ones that still worked together seamlessly, once he had gotten the hang of it. She was helping him by rolling her hips softly, guiding him in the rhythm she wanted, her voice percolating into his consciousness and through him as she gasped out, her moans ever louder. She was close again, evidenced by the tension around his fingers, the increasing wetness decorating his mouth and chin. Her eyes were closed, her brow furrowed, one hand was in his hair and the other fisting the sheets beside her. And then-

The rush and sparks of light behind her eyes swept her through the galaxy on a wave of joy and love and intensity. Her back arched off the mattress, voice strong and powerful as she cried her pleasure to the ceiling, calling out Ezra’s name in gratitude and wonder as he worked her through. Her body was awash, every nerve ending aflame and all she could do was hang on and accept the crushing beauty of the ferocity of her body’s response to him. He was perfect. Fuck, he was everything-

Her face was seared upon him forevermore in that moment - the slight frown, the sheen of sweat on her brow, her mouth open and gasping his name over and over. And then she opened her eyes to look down at him nestled between her legs and the savage joy and desire he saw within could have seen him through a hundred lifetimes in the Glasshouse.

She had barely stopped coming before she was pulling him up and rolling in one smooth motion so he was underneath her, kissing him ferociously, tasting herself on his tongue. The overwhelming need was to be as close as she could possibly be to him, to feel him buried deep inside of her and to see his eyes spark full of ecstasy. The golden glow of her orgasm was still thrumming through her, already combining with another wave of impossible exhilaration - feeling the coarse hair at his thighs rubbing against the softness of hers, his thumb back at her nipple, the thick heft of his cock underneath her, wet with a combination of her saliva and their arousal, the thrumming tingle between them, it all came together to pool in the pit of her stomach in a series of sharp jolts, and she briefly wondered if she had stopped coming - if somehow his presence had prolonged her pleasure, coaxing it out over time. She needed him. Now.

She grasped his cock and positioned herself over it. The dual sensations of seeing her head thrown back in pleasure, her mouth falling open at feeling him breach her, along with the grip of her slick, tight heat around him was too much. He was barely sheathed inside when he felt his back crackle, the tension and warmth and bliss travelling down his spine and tightening before he was swelling, growing larger within and pulsing as he filled her. Ragged, desperate groans of her name accompanied his orgasm and he sat up to kiss his way over her chest and neck and lips and -

Something was wrong. Emotions heightened as they were between them at this moment, he could feel it seeping from her, though she was doing her best to conceal it. A touch of disappointment. Mixed with a little pity. Bitter emotions that made him draw back, look at her in puzzlement. Was this not what she had been expecting? Had he done something wrong? His aural translator had been of less use in the face of the communication they had established, but it seemed had been quietly picking up more and more of her language, adapting to the greater reams of speech that had flowed between them because he understood her next whispered words very well.

“I love you Ezra. Its okay. Its a lot for me too.”

What did she mean? It was overwhelming, yes. But in the best possible way. Did she want him to stop? Did she -

His thoughts were arrested by the feeling of her soft lips upon his, her tongue gently probing into his mouth. All else was wiped from his mind as he responded. Her hips canted forward, still seeking him, still wanting, and now he could feel her desire too. He thrust upward gently, a tentative movement to ensure that this was indeed still what she wanted. She moaned softly into his mouth and he moved more strongly, a little faster. She drew back a little to look at him and the amazement and creeping astonished joy on her face was the most magnificent thing he had ever seen.

“Are you…can you keep going? After you’ve already…” she asked, an awed tremor to her voice.

Ezra raised an eyebrow and smirked against her lips as he crushed them to his. Well…apparently here was a very interesting distinction. One he intended to take full advantage of.

His hand slid around her waist and up her back as he began to fuck up into her and she did not have words for how good he felt. She hadn’t minded when he had come so quickly - after all he had made her come twice and she had teased him with her mouth and hands, and God knows how long it had been for him…But it seemed as though his refractory period either didn’t exist, or extended past one orgasm. Either way, he was here, with her, all around her - her hands tangled in his hair, his teeth biting gently at her jaw and earlobe and the pulse in her neck as they established their rhythm together and fuck if that wasn’t the best fucking feeling in the whole universe. Him sliding within her, passing over that point deep inside where sensation coalesced, grew to be something huge and overpowering and he wasn’t stopping, wasn’t allowing her a single moment to breathe or appraise the situation, his love and his scent and his strength surrounded her to reach deep inside and pull the most primal feelings from her. She moaned his name against his cheek in a sloppy kiss, the sound almost a growl as she kicked up her rhythm, her body responding to his desperately and greedily

He felt her clench around him, her body taut as her pleasure peaked and he worked her through it, felt the ripples of her orgasm as her body tried to pull him deeper inside. He carefully flipped her over so that she was underneath him, breathless, glassy eyed, exhausted and the most gorgeous vision he had ever had the privilege of witnessing. He rolled his hips into her and she held on to his shoulders, somehow simultaneously clinging to him and helping to hold him up above her. Her legs were hooked over his and she met him thrust for thrust. Insatiable. Beautiful. His. He looked down at where their bodies met, transfixed by the sight of himself disappearing into her over and over, his cock emerging slicker with every stroke, the hair at his groin messily beautiful with her. He wanted to go slow, wanted it to never, ever end but his body was so demanding, so covetous of hers and he could already feel his spine begin to tingle once more.

He glanced up and even though her head was tilted back he could see the wonderment upon her face and the love he felt for her surged through him again. His muscles and tendons and bones and skin were on fire - electricity crackling through him and burning to nothing everything that had been so terrible in his life in its wake. There was her, only her and she was with him and around him and in him, and Kevva almighty he had never felt as saturated with pleasure as he was at this moment. He kissed over the ruddy flush on her chest before pressing his mouth to her nipple, and her gasp of delight and the rocking of her hips against him tore a guttural, hoarse cry from deep within his chest as he pushed himself deeply into her over and over, again and again.

She felt him come again and he burned so bright in her mind and in her body…her body…it seemed to respond directly to him now. There were no thoughts from her, no direction or commands she could issue. She came with him, a final gentle crowning of pleasure from her exhausted body, as if he had demanded her satisfaction descend from whatever gods were in the heavens. His back was flaring - electric blue along the curve of his spine and bright, bright white from his markings. They formed a galaxy on her ceiling, the stars themselves come to witness their love and give their blessing. She was so full of him, in every way. In her mind and her eyes and her hands and her heart she was full of him. He leant on to his elbow, half collapsed on top of her, and she kissed his brow, little caring that he was as sweaty and breathless as she.

He gazed down at her with purest adoration, still surrounded by her, as deeply buried within the divinity of her body as she was within his heart. She. His eternal life and love.

Next chapter


Starman Series Masterlist (ongoing)

Ezra x OFC in a Soulmate AU

What to do when someone so special literally drops from the sky?

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen- in progress

Before The Storm - an ask from @the-blind-assassin-12

Before The Dawn - for Writer Wednesday 17/03/22

New Starman arriving soon, so here’s a shameless self reblog of the story so far…



Starman Chapter Eleven.

This one has a ton of warnings. Murder, blood, theft, longing and the beginnings of heartbreak, mention of drug taking and depression, deceptions and lies, some flirting, some arousal, fucked up family dynamics, classism, patriarchal nonsense, whipping and disproportionate punishment (non-sexual), m/m dynamics and a handjob. The van Iones probably need their own warning.

Also if you’re in a power cut it’s a good idea to turn off and unplug your electrical stuff

Word count: 5.8k

(I know this is Jay, but this is the look I’m feeling for younger Ezra at this point!)


Chapter Eleven

Keep reading

You always post when I’m sleeping so it’s a joy to wake up in the morning and read your latest chapter

Yaaaaay! I’m glad I can kick off your day with angsty Ezra!


Starman Chapter Fifteen.

My dearest loves, this is nothing but loving smut and it starts immediately. Obviously I have warnings about being 18+ everywhere on my blog but we’re going to reiterate for this chapter! There’s some kissing, oral sex (both m and f receiving), unprotected p in v and exploration of some (hopefully) interesting differences between their physicalities….we also flip back and forth between perspectives here for the first time.

I have tried to be mindful of not attributing many physical characteristics to “her” beyond the fact that she has hair and is a cis woman. This continues here.

Word count 4.7k


Chapter Fifteen

Keep reading

That was absolutely devine. I found myself breathless at the end.
