#ezra prospectyou




Ezra x f!Reader

Rating: Mature, age gap, mentions of drinking 

a/n: taglist coming later - enjoy!

Chapter OneIChapter Two 

The early morning light just beginning to seep through the blinds in your room, the small space is illuminated with a tinge of blue that washes over everything, including your slowly writhing form on the bed.

The sheets rustle against each other, your body covered almost completely by your thick, floral comforter and when it gets too hot under it, you restlessly kick it off before flipping over on your stomach.

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Wooooooooo-hooooo!! New chapter of In The Dark has landed! @javierpinme and I are so glad that we can park this series in The Smut Basement where it belongs. I am a SUCKER for slow burn and anticipation. I’m weak for @frannyzooey ‘s Ezra! (Claire)
