#fag chastity


This thing is on the way being sent directly by Master Jake for it’s birthday and it’s almost here!@!! He ordered for the package not to be touched until Hes ready for it to be opened…

…. Thank you Master Jake….

faggot slave justin

This will be its final post on tumblr and account will deleted before the 17th December. it has chosen to repost this picture in honour of its Boss @thesneakshaveit for having taken it on as His slave property 3 weeks ago and kept it locked and controlled. This picture fully captures the state of things and its lack of power. it hopes to continue to please its Boss for the foreseeable future

Follow it on twitter https://www.twitter.com/Manchesterslave. @Manchesterslave

And xtube. https://www.xtube.com/profile/slaveukmcr-4159862

First locked on 18/11/2018 by @thesneakshaveit , chastity is giving me two personalities. The first saying I’m so horny…GET THIS OFF ME.

The second saying remember Bosses rules..

1) obey your Boss

2) focus on staying locked

3) get used and serve

With 1 & 2 in mind thankyou Boss for making me your property.
