#fair enough i guess


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#jan thinks he can take down the government but he’s thomas’ side so he just laughs manicallly about lying about why thomas is late for work

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janus outshined all the intrulogical in this episode in his five seconds & i’m so not sorry that he did that

119 notes • Posted 2021-07-31 23:12:53 GMT



this post came to me in a dream and it was right

273 notes • Posted 2021-10-04 17:21:21 GMT


Janus is God - Right?

So like

Janus in the tree there biting a (green) apple obviously reeks of religious imagery. He is the snake of temptation in the garden of Eden, holding onto the fruit that bestowed knowledge onto Adam & Eve. I’m almost tempted to factor in his gloves with how particular & specific this imagery is. Much like in the court room scene, we can speculate that he wasn’t touching a Bible while he swore to the truth because of his gloves. Is he, then, not touching the sin of the apple in the same way until he takes that definitive bite? A very fun question I think.

But to tie this framing into Remus’ religious imagery - Remus himself represents the fruit of knowledge. His debut song was all about welcoming Thomas into the forbidden knowledge that is himself & his intrusive thoughts, after all.

Janus clutching the apple in his hands & taking of a bite of it then represents very clearly that he is in control of this forbidden knowledge - in control of Remus, at the very least. As Denial, he is the keeper of Thomas’ most scandalous & clandestine secrets. We saw it in the Patreon poster art as well; Remus kept in a box on the top shelf with Janus holding the key. Though that analogy can be naturally extended to say he is keeping all of the Sides locked up in their respective casing, which I think is very close to the truth.

This scene was very clever imagery however. It orchestrated that Janus really does have an undefined but potentially vast amount of control over the Sides. From his position off away from the others, above them in a tree, observing them, & then passing an approving judgement that “everything is fine,” on the situation - he had the last say (ignoring Orange’s brief appearance). Much like God, I’d like to think. He is, after all, based loosely on the Roman god of beginnings & endings - Alpha & Omega - much like the Christian God.

I can’t wait to see how much more power he has. What he is actually capable of. How much string pulling he’s doing behind the scenes. I know everyone is very excited for Orange (& intrulogical, naturally) but I think this sort of cliffhanger for us Janus stans has alotof potential.



366 notes • Posted 2021-08-01 00:09:19 GMT


Where Janus Will Stand

Not to like, look too deep at what was clearly a joke video (or point out the obvious if people were already talking about this & i missed the posts), but if in the corner is where Janus does end up standing when all are present, I would be perfectly okay with that, for two reasons (that have nothing to do with moceit surprisingly). 


First, the background fits him very well I think - I really like how the “split effect” of the normal wall to his left & the blinds to his right is reminiscent of his own split face, which has always been just a physical manifestation of his innate duality as Self-Preservation & Deceit of course. It just continues to drive home that our Janus is based on the Roman two faced god of beginnings & endings. That isn’t all the Roman god represented though; high up on that list is the concept of transitions, as in transitioning through doors or gates, from life to death, youth to adulthood, etc. This also ties into his background, since visually, he’s serving as the middle piece between the two wall types. 

Second, he’s standing in a corner, much like Virgil - well, not muchlike Virgil, exactlylike Virgil. Both Janus & Virgil serve as innate bodily functions primarily; Fight or Flight & Self Preservation. From my understanding of how the room is shaped, I think Janus is almost directly across from Virgil, though I could be wrong about that part. Regardless, it has the obvious effect of making people see Janus as “cornered,” which is the state that Self Preservation & Deceit usually kicks in. When you’re up against a wall & have no options left - you resort to these defense mechanisms automatically. 

So yeah, if this is where Janus stands usually, I’m okay with that! I quite like it.

See the full post

681 notes • Posted 2021-10-09 17:43:31 GMT



Janus’ expression here is something to be talked about. I feel like “regret” is too strong of a word, just as “sad” has always been too harsh of a judgement for his playlist. I prefer “melancholy,” as @/beauty-and-passion said in their playlist analysis. Everything about Janus represents the bittersweet in life. There is no good without bad, no bad without good. He’s a neutral force between the “Light” & “Dark” Sides. Just as the Roman god Janus represents beginnings, endings, & transitioning spaces such as doorways & gates, so does our Janus represent that middle ground.

In the face of this episode’s chaos, he says with grief that everything is just … fine. Of course he knows that nothing is fine. As everyone gives their sly digs at each other, the mural in the background is begging the Sides to stay connected. Work together. Don’t allow yourself to be so separated between good & bad because at the end of the day, there is no such thing.

Janus is Denial; Deceit, & Self Preservation. He fights for whatever Thomas wants that is ultimately good for Thomas. Not in the same hands on & direct way that Logan does, but in his own puppet master, string-pulling way that hides him in the shadows. Declaring that everything is just fine is not malicious, is not evil; Janus is neither.

Janus is comfort.

Denial is comforting.

All the distraction in the world sometimes pales in comparison to simply telling yourself that everything is fine, & then forcing yourself to push through until it is.

See the full post

815 notes • Posted 2021-08-01 21:20:09 GMT

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