
LET’S REUSE A NEARLY 3 YEAR OLD DESIGN!!! Been having so much fun playing with new OC ideas, A

LET’S REUSE A NEARLY 3 YEAR OLD DESIGN!!! Been having so much fun playing with new OC ideas, AND THEN I found this really old sketch on my phone from when I part of a group of the Elven Pantheon from Dragon Age… That never happened. I was supposed to be Falon'din, God of Death and Fortune, and WHAT A BETTER DESIGN TO TWEEK for a necromancer Tiefling!

When will this happen? Who knows. But I may have just ordered mini Sclera lenses yesterday…

#necromancy #necromancer #tiefling #dnd #5e #dungeonsanddragons #oc #originalcharacter #falondin #dragonage #bioware

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Yet another vaguely suggestive artwork of my roleplay-OC Dirthamen and my friend’s Falon'Din.

If you want to order a commission of your own OCs, I got a special commission sale going on until Dec. 31st 2021.

Don’t like, don’t interact.(°u°)b // Please don’t steal and/or repost.

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al-teya:Falon'Din. Elven God of Death and Fortune that guides the dead to the Beyond. “He and his tw


Elven God of Death and Fortune that guides the dead to the Beyond.

“He and his twin brother, Dirthamen, are the eldest children of Elgar'nan the All-Father and Mythal the Protector and were inseparable from birth.
It is also said that Falon'Din’s vanity and desire for worshippers was so great he started brutal wars to gain more, killing all who would not bow to him. Only once Mythal rallied the other gods and they attacked Falon'Din in his own temple did he surrender.” (da-wiki)

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wyrdsistersofthedas:Does this image remind you of anything?  I think this imagery confirms the symbo


Does this image remind you of anything? 

I think this imagery confirms the symbols in the mural are the Evanuris. 


And then we have the hats…


Look at the similarities in the silhouettes.  


Now…which are they?  Ghilan'nainDirthomen?  Our old friend Falon’Din?

Now we’re wondering about Solas’s inclusion of Knight Commander Meredith and Corypheus in this mural.  Tin foil hat time: We’re they unwitting agents of the Evanuris?  We’ve long wondered whether the Elvhen gods were awake enough behind their mirrors to pull the springs of the puppets in Thedas.

Such abilities are certainly implied as being possible considering the Old Gods, who are connected to the Evanaris is some way (although we don’t know if they are the Evanuris, their Chosen, the Forgotten Ones, or something else, or somehow all at once!) whispered to humanity from the Fade.  


Something called to Meredith from the Red Lyrium Idol.  Corypheus was changed by his contact with the Golden City.  Their inclusion in so many of the promotional images for DA4 suggests that these are not coincidences.  They may truly be agents of the Dread Wolf’s true foes.  


His kin.  

His fallen family of Elvhen gods.

And the world will tremble as the Veil sunders.

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