#fama asteroid



Fama (408) in the signs!

Aries (01°, 13°, 25°)You are recognized for being an independent person and capable of achieving things on your own. Your initiative is able to inspire other people easily, and you can motivate them to try new things. You are known to be a daring person who is not afraid to take risks for what you want. People describe you as a passionate person with a strong temperament. You are very likely to gain recognition for being the first to do something, after trying something new or with your image. People perceive you as someone with infectious enthusiasm, a great sense of humor and a friendly personality, and you can have the reputation of being a competitive person. You can give the impression of being an incredible leader and have this charm to make people follow your path and directions.

Taurus (02°, 14°, 26°)They can be recognized for their hard work, their way of dressing, aesthetics, their voice or their financial position. These natives stand out for being stable on their own, for their beauty and for their appeal. These natives are described as sensual, seductive people even without trying and as harmonious people in many senses of their life. The fame or recognition of these natives is usually very long-lasting. People describe them as polite, elegant and very stylish. People may think that natives are serious or very reserved at the beginning, maybe even resting bitch face, but they are attracted to them, ambition describes them very well and people quickly associate them with this word. They exude natural glam and elegance, they stand out because of their sense of self-worth. Expensive people vibes.

Gemini (03°, 15°, 27°): These natives can gain recognition for their intellect, on social media, through writing and it is likely that they were popular from a young age or from youth. These natives are recognized for their high level of intelligence, for their social skills and a fun and unique way of relating to other people. These people have a reputation for being constantly on the go, being somewhat restless, inquisitive, curious, and very dual. People can have different ways of looking at them. They attract many people who love them but also some envious people. People are constantly talking about them, there are no people who don’t know them, even if it’s just the name. People describe them as multi-talented. Duality kings and queens that adapt easily to every environment.

Cancer (04°, 16°, 28°): These people can be recognized for their beauty, for their delicacy and great heart, for their family and for their talents. They are known for putting their whole heart into everything they do. They quickly win the admiration and affection of people for their cute, protective and warm personality with other people. They give the impression of being very mysterious at first, but they have a unique charm and magnetism with the public. They can attract a lot of support from women, however, they can also attract envy. They have a very familiar approach with others, and many people can easily identify with them. They can become known for doing things that make them feel at home or really at ease. Mom or baby vibes to the public, they can earn the protection of others quickly.

Leo (05°, 17°, 29°): These people were born to shine and can gain recognition very quickly. People find it difficult to ignore their presence, as they are people who radiate a lot of energy and charm. They can be known in any branch that they propose, especially if it is artistic. People respect and admire them quickly. They have a reputation for not being intimidated by anything or anyone. Known for their sense of humor, their way of expressing themselves, and their looks. They’re seen as attractive people. People describe them as self-confident people. They don’t mind being in the limelight and they really enjoy spreading the word, setting fashions and leaving everyone speechless. May be a bit of a show off. They’re not afraid to appear weird or too daring, since their personality is that chaotic.

Virgo (06°, 18°): These people are known for their hard work, for their altruistic spirit and for doing everything they love with dedication and devotion. They are known for being somewhat reserved with their private lives, for being very independent, and for working efficiently and consistently. Mr./Ms. Perfect vibes. These natives are demanding of themselves and make people see them exactly the way they want them. They are known for being self-controlled and not getting carried away by anyone or anyone. People describe them as naturally very attractive people, for being capable people in many fields of their life and for the quality of any job, no matter how small it is, it will never be insignificant. People see them as very admirable people. They earn the respect of others easily.

Libra (07°, 19°): People know you as a kind, charming and very sociable person, with social butterfly vibes. It is very likely that you will gain recognition through art, by helping other people or even by your physique. It is very likely that people generate closeness or crushes towards you. People often describe you as a person who is nice to be with, you usually give the impression of being balanced in everything you do and of keeping the peace and good vibes wherever you go. This placement makes you a person with the possibility of being liked and loved by many people. People think that you are a person who wants to make the world a better place and who always tries to contribute good things to other people. It gives you the reputation of being a person with many contacts and friends.

Scorpio (08°, 20°): You are recognized for being a mysterious person, reserved, emotionally intense and very passionate about what you like. You can earn recognition through your purchasing power, a high or important position, or even esoteric themes. People perceive you as a person who takes themselves seriously and seeks to be taken seriously, you can easily earn the respect of others. Many may be very attracted to you. You are known to be a person with a certain power, be it social or of any other nature. Others see you as a tenacious person, very private with their goals and jobs. You have the reputation of being a person who has been through a lot, you give off survivor vibes. People can see you as an attractive person with great power of conviction.

Sagittarius (09°, 21°): You can earn fame for your attitude, your philosophy, abroad or even from college. These people have a reputation for being enthusiastic people who spread happiness wherever they go. They are people who stand out for their carefree, friendly attitude and for their way of relating to others, so warm, non judgemental but independent. These people can be much more recognized by people different from them, be it culturally, in terms of personality or simply people who could be the opposite of them. They stand out for their positivity, wisdom and sense of humor. They are known for being correct or law-abiding people, however, also for having that mischievous and playful touch with other people. High chances of being popular and well liked by many.

Capricorn (10°, 22°): You are a person recognized for being very professional, hard-working, powerful and respectable. You easily earn the admiration and respect of other people and naturally give the vibes of being a superior person. You can get recognized for having your own business, for being a boss, and obviously in your workplace. You can be seen as a workaholic and someone who constantly strives to improve themselves. You can earn a reputation for being somewhat distant from other people, but staying polite and friendly. You give off elegant and expensive vibes. You can have the reputation of being a person merely devoted to his work / hobby, a very constant person who hates wasting time. It is very likely that you will get recognized after a lot of hard work.

Aquarius (11°, 23°)You are recognized for your unique attitude and appearance. You may be recognized for dedicating yourself to some type of art, science or something that people consider unusual. You stand out from the rest for your unique and confident attitude. You do not seek attention but you always end up having it, you may attract copycats or people who want to be like you. People describe you as a rebel person, incomparable and out of the ordinary. You can get recognized quickly and unexpectedly. You can easily inspire others to go their own way and do things on their own. You are endowed with an unusual charisma that makes you win the sympathy of others easily. Your friendly and non-judgmental attitude will make you stand out.

Pisces (12°, 24°): People label you as a very dual and multifaceted person, so you can have a different reputation depending on the people. You can gain recognition using your creativity, in the artistic branch, as a psychologist or even in the esoteric branch. People are very likely to describe you as someone who is easy to open up to, as someone who is understandable and empathetic. You can have the reputation of being a person who is difficult to fully know, and some people may think that you are a bit shy. You are recognized for your attitude and positive mindset towards others. It is very likely that you dream a lot about fame and that you will achieve it after going for what you really like. Others may find you as a dream-like native, as someone creative and imaginative.

In my 10th Leo 12° and quite true! I’ve been described as shy however easy to spot and eccentric with my approach to people love asteroid posts
