#family murders


Theresa Knorr – The Worst Mother In The World

Sacramento, California-

Theresa Cross Knorr’s mother passed away from a heart attack when the girl was only 15, and her father had Parkinson’s disease. She dropped out of school and married her first husband, Clifford Sanders, at the tender age of 16. In 1964 Clifford decided to leave his pregnant wife, she’d been too promiscuous for his liking. As the man was walking towards the door, Theresa shot and killed him; she claimed it was self defense, and this was how the killer got away with her first murder.

We can’t say that the boys weren’t abused, because they were. The kids were beaten with a board, repeatedly burnt with cigarettes, and used as human dart boards with knives thrown at them. They were subjected to manual labor out in the sun for days on end, and purposely denied the right to sleep. More than once child protective services were called, but nothing was ever done to save these kids. Still, the boys didn’t suffer anywhere near as much as their female siblings. The oldest son, Howard, couldn’t stand living in that house, nor the torture inflicted upon his sisters at the hands of their mother. He left, and that’s when things really went to hell for the girls. One by one they were forced into prostitution, and eventually two of the girls lost their lives…. To read more, and see the crime scene photos, click the link below.

The Kunz family lived near the itty bitty town of Athens, and its safe to say that they were a bit odd. The family consisted of six: there were 4 siblings, Clarence, 76, Irene, 81, Helen, 70, Marie, 72, and Helen’s 2 adult sons, Randy and Kenneth. They lived together in this tiny rundown farm house in the woods – well, most of them. Kenneth lived in a little trailer next to the house on the family’s 108 acre property. They were a family of severe hermits; those living nearby knew next to nothing of the reclusive family, many weren’t even aware of their existence at all. Kenny was a bit better socialized than the others, he worked at a local mill (nobody else in the family ever held a job or even left the property) and sometimes went out for drinks. That said, he was still painfully shy and very socially awkward…
