#family 木


character story:

The king’s 林 림 forest can only be 示 시 seen, it is forbidden to enter.

Study vocab here!


禁 금 prohibit

禁,忌 금기 taboo

禁,物 금물 prohibited item

禁,煙 금연* prohibition against smoking

禁,慾 금욕* ascetic; celibate; abstinence

禁,酒 금주* abstinence from alcohol

禁,止 금지* prohibition

禁 금하다 to forbid

禁 嚴 엄금* strict prohibition

通 禁 통금 curfew

*can add 하다 to make verb


character story:

Where many 木 목 trees are gathered, we call it a forest!

Study vocab here!


林 림 forest

林山 산림 forest

林野 임야 woods and fields, forests and fields, forest land

character story:

To cut 麻 마 hemp (a very strong fiber), you need a 石 석 stone in order to wear it out.

Study vocab here!


硏磨 연마* grinding polishing drilling practice abrasion

磨滅 마멸* abrasion wear and tear

character story:

This plant grows like a 林 림 forest even in your 广 엄 home….

Study vocab here!


麻 마 hemp; anesthetic

大麻草 대마초 hemp; marijuana

麻 痲藥 마약 drug

麻 痲醉 마취 anesthesia
