#fan poetry



a smol poem from modern au lan zhan pov

you are
the crack of thunder
that sounds on a humid summer day

rumbling through
to warn of a deluge to come
i am not ready. i have no umbrella.

i am not prepared for the assault of you

your arms, like wild willow branches
your laugh, the sound of normalcy shattering
your body, a wind tunnel through which giant aircraft lumber

the seismic shock of you
fissures running through the ground
steam rising from the cracks
am i standing on a geyser ready to erupt
how do you keep me here like you’ve wound a wire fence around me

at night, i listen to the heat running through the vents
the floors are hard beneath my back
i hear the thunder in the distance
i feel you coming

i’d lie outside all night and just wait to be soaked with you

a smol poem from modern au lan zhan pov

you are
the crack of thunder
that sounds on a humid summer day

rumbling through
to warn of a deluge to come
i am not ready. i have no umbrella.

i am not prepared for the assault of you

your arms, like wild willow branches
your laugh, the sound of normalcy shattering
your body, a wind tunnel through which giant aircraft lumber

the seismic shock of you
fissures running through the ground
steam rising from the cracks
am i standing on a geyser ready to erupt
how do you keep me here like you’ve wound a wire fence around me

at night, i listen to the heat running through the vents
the floors are hard beneath my back
i hear the thunder in the distance
i feel you coming

i’d lie outside all night and just wait to be soaked with you
