#fancy bendy

ooc|| Most likely gunna color later when not lazybut ; v ;/ Happy Halloween all from the Fashionista

ooc||Most likely gunna color later when not lazy

but ; v ;/ Happy Halloween all from the Fashionistas themselves

Alice[Al] dressed as well a naughtyNun
Bendy[Fancy] dressed as the Phantom from Phantom of the Opera
Boris[Bo] dressed as a Mafia man, an opposite of his lover from @the-dapper-demon-of-ink who is a detective

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ooc|| (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ Have a I am sorry I am falling into inactivity again pictureI had the urge to dra

ooc|| (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ Have a I am sorry I am falling into inactivity again picture

I had the urge to draw Fancy’s Sammy.
Gunna finish it sometime but I am proud of this gem

Fancy and Sammy are pretty close 
(ノ◕ ‿   ◕)ノ But not that close, Fancy is a taken man
Sammy on the other hand isn’t

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