#fanfic by op




Chloe’s wondrous day started when Adrien approached her and said, “I have a gift for you.” 

She was over the moon to hear that. 

Her dear Adrikins got hera gift! 

Suck it, Marinette! Suck it, Adrien’s fangirls! 

He got HER a gift! 

No one else! 

This just proves that Chloe was his favorite, as she should be. 

And as delighted as she was, when Adrien presented her with a bluepeacock pin, Chloe faltered. 

Adrien’s smile was expectant, looking happy, until she wasn’t taking it right away. “Do you not like it?” Adrien asked. 

“No! No, it’s just… Do you have something in yellow?” 

“Nope. Only this one.” After a moment of consideration, Adrien tried to appeal to her, offering, “It’ll go with your eyes.” 

“Thanks, Adrien,” she said through her teeth, taking it reluctantly. It was semi worth it to see Adrien’s beam, but that offered smile she had fell when he turned and walked away, leaving her with the blue pin. 

It didn’t have ANY yellow on it. Like, ok, yeah, maybe the blue would go with her eyes, but red gems on all nine feathers? Or where are those more… pink? 

Chloe stuck her tongue out at it. Between the blue and the pink, this should be more Marinette’s thing? But as Adrien gifted this to Chloe, there was NO WAY Chloe was going to pass it off to another. Especially her! This was hers! Hers and hers alone! 

But, she couldn’t be seen in public wearing this. This blue and pink against her yellow jacket? No way. Matching with her eyes wasn’t enough. This, she’ll humor Adrien and put it on at home. Try it there, and then it can sit in her closet and gather dust. Maybe she can give it to one of her and Adrien’s future kids. 

Satisfied with her plan, she stuffed it deep in her bag and headed for the first period. It was a shame she couldn’t go and shove this gift in Marinette’s face, but it is what it is. At least she got to enjoy the fact that Adrien was thinking of her. 




In front of her mirror, Chloe hesitated. 

She wasn’t wearing the pin yet, it was just held over her jacket, with Chloe doing a little double take just to see it against her jacket and to be sure. And gosh, it clashed with her so much. And the worse fact? No matter how long she looked at it, it matched with Marinette so much more and Chloe hated it.

The blue of the pin matched with her hair, when that dark hair would shine blue in certain lighting. And the gems on this pin were more pink! And it matched the pink of Marinette’s stupid pink pants! And those stupid pink flowers that she has on her shirt! 

It was like a… reverse color coordination or whatever. Marinette did wear a lot more pink than blue, but it was undeniable that she did have those two colors as this pin did. It was almost like this pin had been made for her. 

Did Adrien have this made? 

Was he thinking of Marinette? 

If it was more for her, why didn’t he have this pin be more yellow? Was it really intended for Marinette? Did she upset him so Chloe was getting this out of spite of her? 

If so, Chloe didn’t know if she should be smug or irritated. 

Irritation won, and just to be spiteful to the Marinette color coded pin, she put it on. Adrien gave it to her.Shewas the one wearing it now, not Marinette. 

Only, as soon as the pin was in place, Chloe’s world seemed to turn on an axis and she felt dizzy and she felt disjointed. Shaking her head, she groaned as she grabbed her forehead. What had happened?

“Give it a few moments, you’ll get used to it,” Chloe heard her own voice say, startling her. She jerked up, looking up to see herself staring down at her with a gentle smile, though her eyes were pink instead of blue. 

Chloe drew away in alarm, gaping. “Wha—  what?!”

Her body just smiled, watching Chloe freak out before her. 

“Wha-what is this?!” Chloe demanded. “Who are you! Some cheap copycat!” 

“Chloe” chuckled. “Oh no, this is actually your body. It’s as true as can be.”

“My body?!” Chloe shrieked. Chloe paused then. If this was her body and something was in her body, then what was she? Chloe whipped towards her mirror and gasped. She wasn’t herself. She was some freaky looking toy that looked a little familiar but Chloe couldn’t entirely place what.

But she was light blue, had dark blue eyes against a black sclera, had white marks around her eyes, a yellow diamond on her forehead, and five long peacock-like tail feathers that had yellow and white eyespots on them. She had no idea what she was and she didn’t like it. She was so small. So alien. And just so…. Blue.

Chloe rounded on the body stealer, demanding, “I don’t know what you are! But you’ll give my body back this instant!”

“Ah, I can’t do that,” “Chloe” said, shaking her head. “You see, you are under the miraculous curse.”

Chloe frowned at that. Miraculous? Like, Ladybug and Chat Noir? “Did they curse me?!” she demanded. 

“No. I did.” 

“How?! Why?!” 

“I am Duusu, and is my miraculous,” the body stealer revealed, lightly tapping the pin, which was now a platinum peacock with a gold tail and white diamond eyespots. “When you put it on, I got to see how terrible a person you were, and the miraculous cursed you instantly. You are now stuck as a kwami while I reside in your body.”

“That’s unfair!” Chloe snarled. “This is an attack! How dare you!” 

“This is punishment,” Duusu said. “You are a terrible person. You’ve hurt people for your own amusement and gain. This is why you were transformed immediately.”

“Ridiculous!” Chloe spat. “Change me back!”

“Only you can change yourself back,” Duusu said. 


“Redeem yourself,” Duusu answered. “Make it up to those you’ve hurt the most.” Duusu then paused and frowned thoughtfully. “But that’s a lot of people. Not even I know where you’d start.”

Chloe stared at her, trying to sort out Duusu’s words. “What do you mean make it up to?”

“Help out who you’ve hurt. Make an effort to be better. You don’t even need forgiveness, you just need an effort to be better.” 

Chloe scoffed, “I don’t need forgiveness! Everyone loves me!” 

“Marinette doesn’t,” Duusu revealed. 

“Marinette’s stupid! And poor!” 

Duusu hummed. “She’s decently wealthy. You don’t live across Notre Dame or own a whole building on a poor budget.”

“How would you know that?” Chloe asked, narrowing her eyes at her body. 

“I have your memories,” Duusu revealed, “it allows me to live your life and be a better you, until you improve anyway.” 

Chloe gasped. “You wouldn’t! You can’t do that!”

“I am and I will,” Duusu said, immediately going for Chloe’s phone. “And I’m going to start with the mess that is you and Sabrina. You two have a very messed up relationship.”

“Don’t you daremess up my slave!” Chloe cried out. 

“See, that can’t fly anymore,” Duusu said, calling Sabrina. As Chloe moved to demand that she stop, a finger was pressed to her lips, silencing her. In a perfect Chloe fashion, Duusu said into the phone, “Hey, Sabrina. You got my homework sheet, right? Did you do it yet?” 

“No,” Chloe breathed.

“Don’t work on it. Give it to me tomorrow. I want to do my own homework.” 


Duusu scoffed loudly. “No! This isn’t punishment, geez, get over yourself Sabrina. I just want to prove my own brilliance, I can do that much, can’t I?” Duusu paused, listening to Sabrina’s stammer, quick to flatter and promise. “I’m glad you see it my way. See you tomorrow.”

Duusu barely ended the call when Chloe shrieked, “You can’t make my body do homework! That’s peasant work!” 

“It’s part of your current education system; does that mean you think yourself beneath an education? You do know that you need a good education if you want to get into politics and be the next mayor. You can’t always buy your way through school. And Sabrina won’t always be by your side.” 

Duusu moved away from Chloe before the girl turned kwami could respond. Growling, she followed, snapping, “You can’t pretend to be me! You even have pink eyes! People will see straight through you!”

“Good thing you always wear sunglasses,” Duusu said, flashing her a grin as she brought them down. 

“Bustier won’t allow it!”

“Bustier is your biggest enabler. She’ll allow it.”

Growling, she darted in front of Duusu’s face, tail feathers spread out angrily. “Fine! Who do I go to first to start helping them so I can get my body and life back?!”

Humming, Duusu answered, “I guess that’s who you hurt the most.”

“Fine. I’ll go to Sabrina.” She’ll help Chloe too. Maybe the key is getting that pin back. 

“Hm. Not sure Sabrina is the right choice,” Duusu murmured, more to herself. “You have twisted things up a lot, but she doesn’t regard herself as being hurt by you too often.”

“Who would you recommend,” Chloe snapped, crossing her arms unhappily. 

“Probably Marinette.”


‘You were very close to breaking her. And that hurt has lingered despite her newfound courage. Mindful, yuo do have a whole class to choose from, but Marinette was your main target. She’d be the one you’d have to make it up to most.” 

“No way am I ever going to help her!” 

“Then pick one of your classmates, or help the city. You purposely upsetting people led to akumas, which did hurt the city.”

“How can I help the city like this?!” Chloe gestured to this tiny weirdo body. 

Duusu just gave her a secretive smile. “I’m not under obligation to explain how a kwami body works and what comes with it. You’ll have to figure that out on your own. I’m just here to tell you why you’re punished and what you can do to get out of it.” 

“How helpful,” Chloe grumbled. 

“I always try to be!” Duusu chirped, her smile irritating Chloe all the more.

This was so unfair!

Utterly ridiculous!
