#fanfic friends



Achievements in Fan Writing:

  • inarticulate screaming in comments
  • ‘i read this in one sitting’
  • 'i don’t usually read this but I liked yours’
  • 'I hoped somebody would be writing [x] and then I found this!’
  • 'i didn’t even know I needed this until now’
  • 'i’ve never even seen this show but i loved this’
  • 'you bastard now i’m writing this too’
  • 'I have had your OC for only a day but if anything happened to them I would…’-insert meme here
  • 'you made me start shipping [pairing]’
  • 'you made me see this character differently’
  • 'you made me see this character’
  • 'here i drew you fanart based on your fic’
  • made it onto someone’s rec list



Much of this scene with Death (and the subsequent one in a following chapter) will be referenced during upcoming scenes in Chapter 14.

But other things of note:

  • Raven’s observational skills are showcased. Unfortunately, shapeshifting is now ‘uncomfortable’…
  • Horsemen shadow shenanigans - ‘Warren’s’ is now gone.
  • A connection between Death and the scarabs is hinted at again.
  • Betsy invokes their word ‘extemporise’ - which in musical terms means ‘to compose or perform music or speech without preparation; to improvise’ - but Death responds with silence.

Kigichi, this was so beautiful and haunting and perfect it hurts.


And thus concludes the live-blog commentary for ‘The Consort – Chapter 11: Locusts Lead to Famine’

Shout-out to @midrashic for your love and support for my writing.

Further status updates about ‘The Consort’ series will be made soon. (I am in the mood for some writing! And excellent progress is being made on both Chapter 14 of ‘The Consort’ and Chapter 03 of ‘Four o’clock in the Afternoon.’) I suspect the next live-blog will take place during the usual time slot next Saturday, but I will confirm once it’s been definitively scheduled.

Awww,@midrashic​, you are very kind. Thank you.

And enjoy the Erik Lehnsherr appreciation *winks*
