#fanfic meta



this is indeed a somewhat silly thing to do but i have to say that find/replace one name with another does not change the fact that they are still reading the book lmao

anyway to quote the great, um, billy s.:


O Naruto, Naruto! wherefore art thou Naruto?
Deny thy father and refuse thy name;
Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love,
And I’ll no longer be a Uchiha.


[Aside] Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this?


‘Tis but thy name that is my enemy;
Thou art thyself, though not an Uzumaki.
What’s Uzumaki? It is nor hand, nor foot,
Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part
Belonging to a man. O, be some other name!
What’s in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet;
So Naruto would, were he not Naruto call’d,
Retain that dear perfection which he owes
Without that title. Naruto, doff thy name,
And for that name which is no part of thee
Take all myself.



why are there people who write Rachel “because what counts is what is in your head and in your heart. a person isn’t his body. a person isn’t what’s on the outside” Animorphs as transphobic I stg

Rachel knows more than anyone that your body doesn’t define you, that’s why she’s okay dating a boy trapped in the body of a hawk.

I mean, that’s probably where it comes from though, right?

Rachel views Tobias as "a boy trapped in the body of a hawk” and actively tries to force him to turn back into a human against his wishes on at least one occasion (although personally that felt weird and OOC to me.) And Tobias … well, it goes back and forth, but he often does not identify as human and seems to actively prefer being a hawk, in a way that a lot of people read as trans or at least trans-adjacent.





things that always make me happy: serial commenters. there are three types

1) reading a longfic chapter by chapter, leaving an increasingly emotional comment on every chapter, descends into keysmashes near the end: outstanding

2) read one fic by accident, clicked the author name, now working steadily through the backlog and commenting on everything, I wake up to an AO3 inbox full of enthusiasm: precious beyond words

3) the longterm serial commenter whose comment begins with I don’t even know this fandom but because they have followed me from somewhere else: stunning. humbling. magical.

these are all *chef’s kiss* and I want to add one more:
4) left a comment a while ago, comes back and leaves another comment on the same fic, telling you that they’re coming back to reread the fic: angels. blessings. lifesavers.

OK but real quick here: how many times can I comment on the same fic before it gets creepy???


All of this is true. I love all these people.


Time for some colourful graphs.

First of all, how have the ST sub-fandoms fared over the last two years of RL pain and confusion compared with 2019?


Except for Disco, Picard and in a lesser way, the AOS Movies, all the ST sub-fandoms are on a roll, with both DS9 and Voyager going past the 2,000 fics in a year in 2021.

Among the TV shows, DS9 and Voyager are doing very well, with DS9 passing Voyager in 2020, and TOS now relegated to third place. Despite a dip in 2020, Disco comes up 4th, beating TNG.


In terms of their share of the ST fandom, the AOS movies have been in free fall since 2016, and TOS has been slowing losing market share in recent years.


That has enabled Voyager and DS9 to fill in the gaps and those 4 sub-fandoms had each a stake between 15 and 18%, and together made up for 70% of all ST fics posted in 2021 on AO3.
The newcomers: Lower Decks, Picard and of course Prodigy with only 15 fics in 2021 are still small in comparison, while Disco has already passed by Next Gen and Enterprise.

Because the AOS Movies were such a huge sub-fandom until very recently, they still dominate AO3 in terms of total number of fics over the years. You can see this postby@70thousandlightyearsfromhome​ for the proportion of each sub-fandom posted on AO3 since the start.

The graphs above exclude crossovers with non-ST fandoms, but include crossovers within the ST universe.
The following sub-fandoms were not included: ST- various authors; Comics; RPF; Videogames and Uncategorized, unless those fics were  crossovers with other ST sub-fandoms.

As a last thing to ponder, this is where to find the various ST sub-fandoms on AO3. One surprise: the TV shows include the AOS movies, but not the TOS or the TNG Movies.






In light of this sad post, I just want to FYI anyone that might be anxious about it:

I will never delete any of my fics for any reason.

1 - I take the Archive part of AO3 very seriously.  I’ll edit and update, but not delete because in my mind it’s been archived once it’s posted.

2 - I’ve seen too many fics/authors I loved disappear, never to be seen again.  If I posted it, then someone who loved it might have found it and someday get the intense urge to read again like I do for those fics, and I want them to be able to find it.

3 - What better way to get back at someone heckling you than to just stone-cold ignore their mean-spirited demands?  To leave a fic up that infuriates the person bothering me so much for existing on AO3 at all?  Even if it was really bad, I would just walk away.  Make it written by Anonymous.  Abandon it on the site.  Comments can be turned off.  Notifications can be turned off.  An entirely new account can be made to start over with. 

The fic can be orphaned.  

For any author who is being bothered into deleting their fics/account, please at least consider orphaning your work instead of deleting it wholesale.  Orphaning is a wonderful, innovative feature of AO3 put there specifically to thread the needle for people in exactly your situation.  To bridge the gap of those who no longer want to be associated with a fic, and those who loved what you wrote and want to be able to revisit it.

An Untamed fic I really loved got the author a lot of harassment and they contemplated deleting it while they were still posting chapters because of the awful comments a handful of people were leaving with each update, but instead orphaned it after finishing.  I have reread that fic at least five times since then.  I don’t remember the author’s name anymore, just as they certainly wanted, but I still enjoy that fic and I know I’ll come back to it again and I’m so grateful that I can.

No amount of hate erases how much someone else genuinely loved what you wrote. 

And there is ALWAYS someone to love it.  Even if it’s just one person.  Even when things are hard and the horrible people are very loud, try not to forget that they are there too.

Don’t make the hateful one the most important one.

The fic can be orphaned.

This is so important, and I wish more authors used this option. (Thank you, @mondengel, for your reassurance!)

I honestly understand wanting to withdraw your fic: from harassment or just the vague embarrassment that something you wrote 5 years ago doesn’t really reflect you as a person or a writer anymore.

But.… there is ALWAYS someone to love it.  Unless you are withdrawing the work to publish it as an original piece, I will always encourage an author to simply orphan the work. Your name vanishes. You get no comments/notifications. It is entirely separated from you. And then… the fandom community remains enriched with something many of them love.

I truly understand the urge to strike back, especially if you’ve been hurt or harassed. And the only weapon an author has is taking their piece away from the fandom. But. That hurts so many innocents, too.

In this fandom, we have many AO3 fics hidden behind collection/mystery walls, and I live in hope that the author is just taking some time to cool down (and allow the harassers to target someone else) before putting them back up for the rest of us to enjoy.

Be kind to your authors.

And maybe they’ll be kind right back to you!

And if you want to maintain control of the work you can (temporarily or permanently) add it to an anonymous collection (instructions for how to do that here). Your name will be removed from it and it will no longer show up on your author page but you will still receive comment notifications and if you go to your statistics page you will be able to see it. You can still edit the work this way and choose to orphan it later if you so desire.

Another option is to create a second account and shift works you don’t want associated with you there and then turn off all notifications from that account (which can be done from the preferences page). You may already have invitations (check the ‘invitations’ tab on your AO3 dashboard) or you can request one to be sent to you here (there is a waiting list, but you should get one within a week). Then once you have a second account set up, go to the preferences pages on both accounts and click the ‘Allow others to invite me to be a co-creator’ button. Then edit the work and add in the new account as a co-author, save the change, then edit again and remove your original account author and save it again. Ta-da! You’re main account is no longer listed as the author to the fic!

Oooh, this is very useful, thank you @batinaburnouse.


I can’t say for sure how many times I’ve gone down my bookmarks and hit the advisory “This work has been deleted.” …and just felt my insides seize for the loss of something that had been very much enjoyed.

If you’re having difficulties, please consider orphaning instead of deletion.


Fanfic writers really said “in any universe, in any scenario, despite any obstacle, these people would love each other” and I think that’s very cool of us

vegas-everywhere-we-are:alex51324:mostlyinthemorning:I kind of suck at tagging, so I made this infog




I kind of suck at tagging, so I made this infographic to help make it easier.

Hey, thanks for making this!  I’ve never struggled with what to put in tags on my fic, but I’ve never been systematic about it, either–I just kind of put whatever.

The categories seem like a really useful way to think about it–not every fic will necessarily have something for each category, but it’s a good framework for either thinking of things to put, or making sure you don’t skip things that would be good to put.  

Image description: Tags are Tricky…a quick and dirty guide

1 Canon
How does it relate to canon?
Alternative Universe
Canon Compliant
Canon Divergence
Future Fic
Missing Scenes & Codas

2 Format
Is it something other than a story?
5+1 Things
Online & Social Media

3 Tone
How does it make you feel?
Smut and PWP

4 Relationship
Describe the relationship
Coming Out, Families, Friendship, Siblings
Getting Together
Amnesia, Body Swap, Childhood Friends, Different First Meeting, Drunken Confessions, Enemies to Lovers, Fake Dating, Flirting, Friends to Lovers, Huddling for Warmth, Meet-Cute, Miscommunication, Road Trips, Roommates, Sharing a Bed, Slow Burn, Strangers to Lovers, Trapped in Elevator
Cuddling, First Kiss, Kissing and Making out
Sexy Times
ABO, Dirty Talk, First Time, Kink, Roleplay, Sex Pollen, Sexting and Phone Sex, Voyeurism
Arranged Marriage, Established Relationship, Honeymoons, Infidelity, Jealousy, Kid Fic, Long Distance Relationship, Pregnancy, Weddings & Proposals

5 Theme
What is the theme?
Activities and Interests
Baking and Cooking, Camping, Celebrations, Crafts and Hobbies, Drinking or Getting High, Fashion, Holidays, Pets, Piercings and Tattoos, Religion, Sports, Theater and Dance, Yoga
Fairy Tales, Historical, Reality Show, TV/Movie/Book/Adaption
Character Driven
Anxiety and Mental Health, Introspection, Queer Themes
Artist, Celebrities, Crimes and Suspense, Firefighters, Lifeguards, Media and Journalism, Medical, Military, Musiscians, Pilots, Retails, Royality, Teachers
Other worldly
Apocalypse, Faries, Ghosts, Magic and Fantasy, Parallel Universe, Sci-fi, Shapeshifters, Superheros, Supernatural, Tentacles, Time Travle, Vampires, Witches, Zombies
Bookstores & Libaries, Coffee Shops & Restaurants, College, Flower Shops, High School, Summer Camp, Wineries

Note: These are examples, not a definitive list, but I hope the categories are useful" end Image description

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