#fanfiction please



Dad!Hitoya and his two sons’ sleep routine imagine:


. is an angel 99% of the time but when it’s nearly his bedtime, he can be a bit extra.

. He asks for bedtime snacks like milk and cookies and he takes his time enjoying it.

. Spends a long time brushing his hair before his teeth.

. He’s in his pyjamas and tucked in nicely but he begs Hitoya to stay because of the monsters under his bed, in his closet, at his window.

. “My fear isn’t the darkness but what lies deep within its shadowy soul. It beckons me to allow it entry into my domain.” “What?” “Nothing, g-goodnight!”

. Hitoya stays and leaves Jyushi’s night light on even after he falls asleep.

. BONUS: none of the above are even possible if Amanda is missing. Good luck the next time that happens, Hitoya!


. feeling exhausted hits different with this kid.

. It’s convincing a hyper and rebellious child that yes, you are tired, stop jumping on the furniture and go to sleep, please, for me, I need to be up early for work.

. He gets into his bed (which is shaped like a dragon) and demands an awesome bedtime story first. He refuses to sleep until his demands are met.

. So Hitoya makes up a story on the spot, doesn’t do any funny voices until Kuko is threatening to jump out of bed.

. When Kuko gets especially excited about parts, it’s enough to wake up Jyushi who joins for storytime.

. Hitoya rolls up his sleeves and tells them the best story he can; it’s a great one that puts all three of them to sleep together.

I love this! Dad Hitoya is precious!!! Golden Fanfiction Idea over here!
