#fanfiction post




a couple of months ago, i was approached on archive of our own by a user who is writing her thesis on “the inclusion of rape and other non-consensual sexual acts in self-insert fanfiction” and, admittedly i was sceptical— worried it was just a wind up, but i did reach out to her and we eventually connected via zoom and i ended up being interviewed for the thesis in question.

i’m excited to say that she has now finished it and has sent me a copy of it to read ahead of it (hopefully) being published digitally so everyone can read it.

this is such an important topic as there is still so much in the way of shaming and sending hate towards people writing non-con/rape in fanfiction and i feel incredibly honoured to be a part of her research to hopefully bring more understanding to the topic and stop the stigma surrounding it.

Keep reading

Such an important topic and I’m so glad you were able to help with this. Stop the stigma. ❤️
