#fangs x reader


Since Fangs needs some love I figured I’d do this.

“Good god, Fangs. Could you be any more obvious?” I hear Toni exclaim as I glare at (Y/N) and Sweet Pea playing pool.

(Y/N) and I had been dating for about two months now and it was going great, only problem was both of us get extremely jealous. Sweet Pea had pulled her away from me as soon as we had came into the Wyrm, demanding they play pool. I knew that they were best friends but it still pissed me off to see him being close with my girl.

“Not in the mood, Topaz.” I growl, between clenched teeth.

“Oh come on, Fangs. You know she loves you.” Toni says putting her hand on my shoulder.

I look over to see Sweet Pea hovering over her, trying to put her hands on the pool stick properly. I get up and storm over to them, shoving Sweet Pea off of her.

“What the fuck, Sweet Pea?!” I yell shoving him into the wall.

“Fangs!” I hear (Y/N) exclaim. I feel her hand on my arm but I yank my arm away.

“Dude, we were just playing pool!” Sweet Pea yells, shoving Fangs back.

“Guys knock it off!” (Y/N) yells, stepping in between them. “Babe, what is your problem?” She asks turning to Fangs.

“My problem is you’re MY girl. Not Sweet Pea’s!” I yell, getting irritated. I was sick and tired of feeling like I was sharing her.

“Dude, you’re being ridiculous.” Sweet Pea says calmy. “You know she’s my best friend. Nothing is going on.”

“Exactly. You can’t get jealous every time I hug Pea, Fangs.” (Y/N) says looking at me sternly.

I scoff and back away from them. I couldn’t believe her. I didn’t care that they were best friends. I cared that he always hugged her or he had her in his lap.

“Don’t worry. You two don’t have to worry about me being jealous.” I say to them. They smile and (Y/N) comes up to me and wraps her arms around my neck. I pull her arms away and put them down at her side.

“I’m done, (Y/N). I’m not sharing your affection with Sweet Pea. You and him can be happy now.” I say, walking away from the two of them. I could hear her yelling for me but I was already on my bike, speeding away.

Hey Guys!

Sorry I haven’t updated in a little while guys. Things have been a tad bit nuts but I will update soon I promise and I’ll update the tag lists with the next update. Thank you all for being so patient and supportive
