#fans words and spfp videos

Olympics 2022, Yuzuru’s SP and FP videos and interviews, with some words from fans:“Our foreveOlympics 2022, Yuzuru’s SP and FP videos and interviews, with some words from fans:“Our foreveOlympics 2022, Yuzuru’s SP and FP videos and interviews, with some words from fans:“Our foreveOlympics 2022, Yuzuru’s SP and FP videos and interviews, with some words from fans:“Our foreveOlympics 2022, Yuzuru’s SP and FP videos and interviews, with some words from fans:“Our foreveOlympics 2022, Yuzuru’s SP and FP videos and interviews, with some words from fans:“Our foreveOlympics 2022, Yuzuru’s SP and FP videos and interviews, with some words from fans:“Our foreveOlympics 2022, Yuzuru’s SP and FP videos and interviews, with some words from fans:“Our foreveOlympics 2022, Yuzuru’s SP and FP videos and interviews, with some words from fans:“Our foreveOlympics 2022, Yuzuru’s SP and FP videos and interviews, with some words from fans:“Our foreve

Olympics 2022, Yuzuru’s SP and FP videos and interviews,
with some words from fans:

“Our forever hero and champion”

“Truly in the highest spirit of the original Olympics! This, THIS is what the Gods are said to look for, as the Games are held foremost in their honor!”

“Such amazing grace and elegance.”

“The world saw you stay true to your dreams…. You are the bravest.”

“Your skating inspires us and brings us so much joy.”

“We are so proud to be your fans!" 

Short Prog (no commentary)

Free Prog (no commentary)

Update:gala (Haru yo Koi)

Translation of interviews (by Axel with Wings team)
After SP:
2)Subbed videos

After FP:
2)Subbed videos

Update:Press Conference (subbed)

Much thanks to members of YHFG for their beautiful words and the SP and FP and gala videos.  The words are from posts and comments made after the FP performance.  So many touching expressions…. here are only a few.  Love and support him forever. 

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