#fantastic recs




Happiest Blogiversary @sitp-recs​ !!!!

Dearest Liv, I’ve waxed poetic to you before about how invaluable your blog was in my early days of Drarry and how much I adore you since we met. Brace yourself, for today is the perfect excuse for more of that .

I’m always delighted whenever one of your gorgeous rec banners appear on my tumblr dash, it is an immediate stop-and-read moment. You have such a beautiful way with expression when you’re talking about the stories that you love, that I know I’m in for a treat. The love and care with which you create your recs and spread joy within the fandom with your words and kindness is so inspiring.

I’ve been perusing your blog this week, rereading recs of yours, to pick some favourites for a ‘rec of recs’ list—they are numerousand any theme has evaded me! So, I’ve scheduled a bunch of those favourites for reblogging and have gone with sentiment to shine a spotlight on these more personal few below that bring back fond memories of our shenanigans and mischief!


Among Ancient Pines Rec Post
{because I gushed at you over this one within minutes of our first conversation! I tend to stick to stories set in Britain, but this rec convinced me to pick it up first out of last year’s Drarry Big Bang fics that I’ve got earmarked for reading and it is now one of my favourite Drarry reads}


☕ Expresso PatronumRec Post
{because, back in my dark days of lurking, this was the very first rec of yours I came across. I was hooked after reading and immediately tucked into this wonderful fic, cue my devouring of all your recs that have come across my dash since}


Little Compton Street Rec Post
{partly because of the evening with all of our swooning together over this fic, but especially because I just love your addition to this rec in your recent reblog of this one. I think we all know the feeling of being overwhelmed while trying to put our love of our favourite fics into words and even then you still do it so eloquently!}


❄️ White As SnowRec Post
{because of the night you recced this and I then proceeded to subject you to my unfiltered flailing until morning as I read it }


Five Years Rec Post 
{because of the giggle we had when I told you I was a kink-virgin when I started in Drarry and that Shiftylinguini’s fics converted me to all of my kinks }

Thank you so much for all that you do, Liv! You are such a bright part of fandom, it wouldn’t be the same here without you

Check out Liv’s drarry fic rec tag for more of these fandom treasures!
