#fantastic work op

rosiethorns88:New Sketch-a-Wish voted on my wonderful Patreons for January! Featuring Kaz and Inej frosiethorns88:New Sketch-a-Wish voted on my wonderful Patreons for January! Featuring Kaz and Inej f


New Sketch-a-Wish voted on my wonderful Patreons for January! Featuring Kaz and Inej from Six of Crows!

Who’s ready to see scene this in live action? ✨

Post link


welcome to my Juno Steel headcanon series because this fandom is desperately dry and needs more dumb content, starting with the lady himself :

  • Juno’s safe meal is grilled cheese cause he used to make it for him and Ben when they were kid, it’s quick and warm and that’s all he asks from a meal
  • He’s insanely good at nail art yet quite bad at drawing on actual paper
  • He gets angsty about not having enough food at home but gets overwhelmed by grocery shopping, so Rita gets him stuff he likes delivered when he seems more stressed than usual
  • He has asthma + his old nasal fracture that very probably didn’t heal properly, so he snores and can have some breathing complications in certain situations
  • He bites the inside of his cheek when he’s thinking
  • He’s always warm, especially in bed - Nureyev is always cold (I know my man has perpetually cold feet, rip) so Juno’s his personal heater
  • After he lost his eye he sometimes misses the cup, when pouring something, if he doesn’t concentrate
  • When he’s alone, he sleeps with a source of light in the room, he’ll keep the blinds open for the street lights to pour in. But since they’ve been staying on the Carte Blanche, sleeping in the deep dark of space, Rita got him an orange lava lamp type thing so he’d have a comfortable light to sleep with (she has the same in purple, and she also got one for Jet when he appeared interested in how relaxing it looked, his is green (yes bacause it reminded her of Ruby))
  • He’s ridiculously good at rubik’s cube, or whatever the Martian equivalent is
  • If alone, he will sleep with only one pillow, going as far as removing the extra pillow from the bed
  • He has a small, fading yet stubbornly remaining, very badly done, stick and poke of a skull on his ankle that Mick did when they were kids (Mick got an equally bad stick and poke of a hovercycle that Juno did) cause they thought it would look very badass