#fantasy booking


How I would book MJF/Wardlow?

I would make MJF win after cheating (of course). Nonetheless, Wardlow would absolutely go feral and would attack him after the match, FINALLY powerbombing him. Multiple times. Even making him go through a table. That way, everyone wins. Literally.

You get MJF not losing a match again. But you also have Wardlow finally powerbombing MJF, something we all have been waiting for.

I expect Jon Moxley to beat the battle royale winner on June 8. However, if they want to beat Moxley, here are the guys I think they would go with:

  1. Adam Page
  2. Bryan Danielson
  3. Adam Cole
  4. Miro
  5. Samoa Joe
  6. Wardlow
  7. Darby Allin
  8. Chris Jericho
  9. Keith Lee
  10. Malakai Black

I know everybody’s going to think MJF, but at this point in the story they’re pretending he’s on very thin ice, so it wouldn’t make much sense for AEW to reward him with a chance to win the world title.

In a perfect world, I think Penta, Rey Fenix, Andrade, and Rush should be in the conversation. But it’s really hard for me to imagine AAA mainstays beating a New Japan guy at Forbidden Door. (NJPW and CMLL are still tight, and CMLL and AAA are mortal enemies, so that’s one forbidden door that’s still locked tight.)
