#fantasy read


Well, I’m 24 and haven’t got my life together yet. 

For some reason I didn’t see this coming, always assumed I’d grow up, write my books, publish them and make something for myself. A part of me still assumes one day I’m going to be a profesional (as in I make a living off of) author. 

The more down to earth side of me assumes I’ll more likely end up a university teacher who clearly wishes they’d chosen a different degree but can’t afford the financial strain or time investment to actually change career paths. 

And honestly, I’ll probably be happy either way. 

I wish I had more time at the moment to write and draw and just enjoy life. But given where I live, the financial state of the world, I’m just happy I have the money to get a coffee in the morning, and the resources to self-publish the stories that mean the most to me. 

So, to celebrate another year of moving forward in life even if the direction isn’t the best. 

Dear Dragon (the ebook version) will be on sale Dec 14th at 8 am PST up until the 21st! 

As well as in the UK from the 16th of Dec up until the 25th (why different? Because I forgot I have to program both the US and UK separately. I’m sorry. I’m not good at marketing). 

It’s my birthday sale and also the christmas sale if you’d like to give it to any YA fantasy dragons fans! 

I’ve got another two weeks of just intense exams, will probably be a bit busy for a couple of days after for christmas, but after that I’ve got a bit more time off and about seventeen drafts so expect more posts from me shortly! 

I also just want to thank everybody for being here! For a long time my posts got one or two notes and suddenly I have over three hundred follows and that’s kind of amazing. I’m glas my writing advice has been helpful or at least relatable to so many people. 

If I don’t find time to post again, have great holidays! Hopefully it gives you all some more time to work on your stories. 
