#fashion frontline


What we should pay attention to when using waist band. First of all, we must understand that waist band, like other sports products, can only be used as a tool to assist and strengthen the training effect in our sports, and can not achieve the purpose of burning fat. To have a perfect waist hip ratio, you must add diet control and a certain amount of training plan. At the beginning of wearing the waist band, we should not be eager for success, nor should we wear it to exercise at the beginning. Many people have not used the waist band, which is difficult to accept for a time. Therefore, we suggest that you can wear the waist band for about two hours for the first time, and try to avoid strenuous exercise as a daily use. After the body adapts to this waist bound state, it can slowly start, supplemented by simple exercise, and slowly strengthen the amount of training and wearing time. However, the statement that the waist band comfort publicized on the Internet reaches 8 hours a day is good and correct. We should not wear the waist band for more than 7 hours a day, so as to ensure our health.https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32856208595.html?spm=a2g0o.store_pc_home.0.0.60a147222UDvEj
