#fashion intern

A magazine I’m making a part of my Fashion Journalism class.

A magazine I’m making a part of my Fashion Journalism class.

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Congratulations, you have landed an internship in the fashion industry! Now what? It is important to make a good impression so you can make connections to help you gain your dream job. Here are eight simple things which will help you get there. 

Flat shoes. This is a must. Even if you’re not send out on coffee runs or into the city to pick up fabric, you will be running around the office all day. But be careful to break in your shoes first. There is nothing worse than having blisters two hours in on your first day. On that note, also pack bandaids in case of any blister emergencies.

Note book. When your boss comes in and starts rattling off a lists of tasks to be completed, a notebook is perfect for writing all the details down. If you don’t do this you might forget jobs or have to keep interrupting your boss to ask what must be done next. This will give the impression that you are not prepared or professional.  

Opal Card. Whether you are interning at a PR agency, a design studio or in the fashion cupboard of a magazine, chances are you will be sent into the city with a list of tasks. Although a car can be useful, if you have to pop into The Strand Arcade to pick up some dresses, parking can be a real hassle. In this case it is best to have a topped up Opal Card on hand and ready to go. This will prevent you wasting time buying a ticket when you may have to have multiple stops. 

A Watch. Time is of the essence in fashion and it is essential that to manage your time to complete all your tasks. Good time management is a desirable skill in any future employee so wearing a watch to keep track of the time is a must. A watch does not need to be charged like a smart phone and can be relied upon for accuracy.

Dress Appropriately. Although this is the fashion industry, it does not mean that you can dress like you are walking down the runway. It is always best to be over dressed on your first day before and stick to the no denim rule. Once you have been in the office for a few days and have a feel for the dress code you can start for play with your wardrobe a bit but always keep our outfit professional - even if they are on trend, sheer fabric, low cut tops and crop tops are always a no go. 

Smart Phone. If you are interning with a PR agency or at a magazine your smart phone will be your best friend. When you are loaning garments to stylists or returning samples to a PR agency, you can use the camera on your phone to take a photo of the garment as a record of having send it and as proof of the garment’s condition. A smart phone is also essential for running errands in unknown areas, just make sure you have plenty of battery and data so Google Maps is always on hand.

Company  Knowledge. When you begin an internship you will not be expected to be a master on the ins and outs of how the company runs when. However, it is important to know a brief history and overall brand image and style of the company, as well as their recent work. For example if you will be interning at a magazine, it is important that you know what was in the current and previous issues and the editorials they featured. 

A Positive Attitude. This is the most important tip for any intern, no matter the industry they are in. If you go into your internship with a positive mindset, you will be more likely to enjoy your time and learn as much as possible. Although you may be doing simple tasks and at times may feel like you are not getting anywhere, keep your eyes open. Watch what goes on in the office or the studio. This is how you learn what each job involves and hopefully which is your dream role. If your employer can see how much you are trying and that you are passionate about the fashion industry you will leave a lasting impression. 

Grooming. Neat and tidy grooming is an essential element for aspiring fashion employees. It goes without saying that hair should always be clean and presentable. Don’t go over the top with make up. Keep your look natural. If you wear nail polish, check that it is freshly painted and not chipped, and nails should be clean and neatly filed. 

Tote bag. “Bags, bags, bags, they’re very useful things!” A tote bag has many uses. You might be sent to run errands such as to the bank and you’ll need to carry cash or documents. A bag is handy for carrying your lunch, phone, notebook, umbrella and other essential items. A bag can act as an extra set of hands when you are running around the city.

Just remember that all your favourite Designers, PR agents, Editors and Stylists started out as interns so keep you eyes open, ask questions and keep your thoughts positive.  

- Fashion Sophomore
