#fast food strike


What kind of person mocks hard-working fast food workers who strike and put it all on the line to fight for a living wage?

Well, lets take a look!

(note: read each set of tweets from bottom, up)

unemployed college graduates who lack self awareness:

the self-hating employed yet underpaid: 

former McDonald’s employees whom are now suddenly holier than thou:

“hard workers” who sleep on the job:

rich, tacky douchebags:

assorted idiots:

sophisticated, mature adult right wing bloggers:

and just plain old bloggers:

(sometimes, you just have to step in and point it out: ‘hey, buddy, you’re a dumb asshole’)

whew, blogging is hard work

“Seriously? Fast food workers are striking for better pay? I do more work than them for about same pay. Flipping burgers is not a career job!”

read the tweets from the bottom up:


“People are protesting minimum wage to go up at fast food places what do you expect your not gonna make bank flipping burgers sorry”

read the tweets from the bottom up:


“Fast food workers across the country are striking to raise their salary to $15/hr. Does this enrage anyone else? FIFTEEN DOLLARS AN HOUR. I would rather NEVER eat fast food again than live in a world where fast food employees got paid anything over $8. Nope.”

read the tweets from the bottom up:


“lol fast food workers on strike for wanting higher minimum wage? ya’ll are whiny af~”

read the tweets from the bottom up:



“Fast-food workers are on strike across the country asking for $15/hour minimum wage.. Educate yourself or quit whining and make me my burger”

read the tweets from the bottom up:


“Fast food workers want $15 an hour so they went on strike? Fire all of them. There’s plenty of people that will work for minimum. You’re flipping burgers and ringing people up. Why the FUCK do you think you deserve $15 an hour.”

read the tweets from the bottom up:

““Fastfood restaurant workers will strike at several locations across Atlanta tomorrow demanding $15 an hour.” BC FLIPPING BURGERS IS SOHARD”

read the tweets from the bottom up:

“Fucking entitlement babies- Use this job to get a real job. Suck it up you fucking crybabies Fast food workers strike”

read the tweets from the bottom up: 

“If you strike fast food for more pay your stupid lol it’s a beginners job why tf would you get paid 15$ a hour?”

read the tweets from the bottom up: 

“Why are fast food workers going on strike. Go to school & get a degree so you can have a real job and make that much money!

read the tweets from the bottom up:

“The fact that fast food workers are on strike internationally for a union and $15/hr wage is stupid. Get a real fucking job.”

read the tweets from the bottom up:

“Apparently there is a fast food strike tomorrow in Atlanta because you dipshits think you deserve $15 an hour”

read the tweets from the bottom up:


BONUS (he replied and I found another old tweet of his to use as a response):

“Fast food workers in Greenville are on strike demanding 15 dollars an hour” Hahahahaha"

read each set of tweets from the bottom up:


“if I’m the manager of these fast food restaurants, I fire every single worker that’s on strike. there’s too many people that need jobs.”


“while I think more than 7.50 is reasonable, 15 is outrageous and greedy for a job that doesn’t require a ton of skill”


“Fast food workers going on strike fighting for $15 an hour pay? Simple solution: get a real job that deserves real pay.”

read the tweets from the bottom up:

“Fast food workers are on strike case they want more money…for what. All you do is give people fries!”

read the tweets from the bottom up:
