#fat admirer


My OnlyFans is currently 30% off (the highest discount I do) to help pay for my cat’s surgery, meds, etc.

When you can’t do anything against it but keep growing bigger and bigger…

These jeans used to fit a month ago and now I’m struggling to pull them over my fat ass. I don’t want to mention how fucking exhausting it is to button them. It’s a whole damn work-out for me and my belly is spilling all over.

And yeah, I popped that button several times

I was getting out of breath with the slightest moves, and my knees hurt like hell after carrying all that weight for only a minute. Even sitting or laying on the ground became so exhausting.

I’m getting slow and fat, like a ball full with blubber and lard rolling over and helplessly trying to stand up.

Am I chubby yet?

More of this night on my LonelyFans. I slip on my panties and burp like the good puppy I am 20% off too
