


so@nipinet finally succeeded in getting me into fgo


thinking about beast merlin

dailybedivere: Slaps airgetlam


Slaps airgetlam

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take it or leave it


i descended into a fugue state and jumped on a bandwagon


(mandricardo voice) not even my babyface can save me from my crippling anxiety and depression, hektor


hey, has it been about 10 seconds since we last looked at our fantasy tree?


hey, has it been about 10 seconds since we last looked at our fantasy tree?


imagine an actual Heaven’s Feel Daily except every time it hits a branch in the story, it randomizes your choice and stops sending you updates if you die

it wouldn’t be fun. it would be infuriating. it’s just hilarious in concept

you spend two entire weeks reading updates, getting excited as you realize your rolls gave you enough Illya points to get the true ending…..

only to watch your Shirou lock you into Sparks Liner High at the last minute


I feel like while people understand the gist of Gawain and his situation with his siblings, I feel like there’s a lot some people miss just how much Gawain is shouldering regarding their deaths, especially as the oldest of the Orkney siblings. Or maybe they do and I just want an excuse to talk about it. I’m making a post either way.

Gareth died because she was protecting Guinevere and Lancelot killed her and Gaheris. Fate makes that clear- what it doesn’t mention is why Gareth and Gaheris were there in the first place. In the Morte d’Arthur (which I personally use to fill in whatever massive holes Nasu doesn’t feel like writing about) and other Arthurian mythos, Gawain was supposed to execute Guinevere, but refused out of respect for his queen. 

So, Arthur made his siblings do it instead. And they were killed because he didn’t do it in their place. 

Reminder that his younger brother Agravain died shortly beforehand.

In one fell swoop, he lost his entire family. His mother was a witch that hated him and his kingdom, his siblings were dead, and the only people left were his father and his king- his uncle (or aunt, as far as Fate goes. It makes a lot of the ‘Gawain horny for Artoria’ jokes in Fate a lot worse, especially when things like the Morte d’Arthur make Gawain very implicit and proud about his familial relationship with Arthur, constantly referring to him as his uncle.).

Unlike Gareth’s more chipper voice line, here’s Gawain’s line for Gareth in FGO. (Shameless blog plug). 

“Gareth is my little sister. If she wishes to fight as a knight… then I have no right to stop her. …That’s the way it is now, and that’s the way it always has been…”

In Arthurian mythos, Gawain was the one to bring Gareth to King Arthur’s court, and supported Gareth alongside Sir Lancelot against Sir Kay’s harassments. He loved his sister so much that, while he wanted to protect her, he also didn’t want to get in the way of her dreams. It shows that he’s not the typical ‘overbearing’ big brother, but one that wants to see his family happy- to see his sister happy, and believes he has no right to deny her happiness.

And then she dies because of his refusal to do one job, because his pride got in the way. He tried his best to be a good big brother, and failed. Again. And again. And again. Until he didn’t have a family left.

Lancelot kills Agravain. Lancelot kills Gaheris.Lancelot kills Gareth. Of course Gawain hates Lancelot, Lancelot smashed his family into pieces- literally. And while I like Lancelot, Gawain is an absolute saint for willing to put his differences aside in FGO.

The fall of Camelot progresses, Gawain loses more and more family, and then- there’s the final straw. His last sibling, Mordred, is the one that kills him. And he feels responsible for the death of his king because he both stopped Lancelot from helping, and because he wasn’t there to fight either.

And as a Servant, he’s forced to remember these things. He’s so fiercely protective of Leo in Fate/Extra because he feels as if he failed to protect the people he loved in life. It’s the same reason why he’s so staunchly loyal to the FGO protagonist and to Arthur. He’s the type who doesn’t let his pain go, and uses it to make him stronger. That’s why he has his ‘Nightless Charisma’ skill in FGO, because canonically he’s so deeply ashamed and disgusted at his actions in Camelot, that he carved the Lion King’s gift into his Saint Graph so that he’d never, everforget the horrors he committed, and use that strength to only help others from now on.

Gawain’s pain is briefly touched on in Extra, but only to the extent of him hating Lancelot for killing his siblings, but he holds so much more pain that the fact that he’s been able to grow and push on from it seriously cements how strong and how solid of a character he is- because even with all the guilt and self-loathing that he harbors, he’s still able to shine like the sun for others.

TL;DR: Give your Gawain a hug. He needs it.

what’s up nerds, I’ve had Kriemhild for one day but if anything happened I would let her kill everyowhat’s up nerds, I’ve had Kriemhild for one day but if anything happened I would let her kill everyo

what’s up nerds, I’ve had Kriemhild for one day but if anything happened I would let her kill everyone in Chaldea and then myself.

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Torn between whether I wanna add Kriemhild to the waifu list (I have two hands I will grab Siegfried’s with the other) or just call her mom after seeing her line for Sieg and the fact that I dohave an ongoing joke of picking up Sieg and going “this is my boyfriend and I love him so much.”


comments on reddit: what kriemhild says “ asks Sieg what his name is.

“You really should change your name. Otherwise you’ll probably do some heroic act and die right after.

…Did you just avert your eyes? Wait. Wait! Sit in seiza position! You’ll tell me EXACTLY what you did.”

Oh my god, what a mom.

Either she’s a mom, or Sieg’s secretly guilty because Siegfried doing that is why he’s alive.


Moriarty Noises.mp4: a compilation






If I have to imagine Guda having a Tumblr, so do you:

  • At first glance, it’s a completely normal blog. It’s got some art, some photography of plants, short text posts about their lives, etc. They’ve got SOME fandom posts, but they’re few and far between. It’s normal, at first.
  • Then you read something like “Local Furry Thomas Edison” and the psychic damage starts hitting as you’re hit over and over again by the absolute BATSHIT stuff on this blog.
  • A video: [a girl with red hair is screaming at the shaking camera “WHO THE FUCK INTRODUCED VLAD TO DRACULA DAILY”. The hallway behind her is dark and the shadows seem to move and bleed. A man is screaming in the background “STOKER”. The video ends.]
  • Another post is a picture of a seemingly normal flower. The reblogs are full of botany people freaking out over the fact that said flower is supposed to be fucking EXTINCT.
  • “Leonardo Da Vinci is a MILF” “OP explain” OP does not explain.

@caliginouscalico You get it.

* “sakata kintoki is the son of minamoto no raikou because they both have huge tits and I have proof.” “uh. op? where’s the tits?” “what are you nuts??? you want me to be banned??”

* “I told Saber she’s literally Sonic the Hedgehog and she just nodded solemnly at me and said “of course I am, did I not tell you?” She’s either stupider than I thought or she’s actively fucking with me”

“So many historical figures were women you guys” “Yeah I mean women did a lot more than people give them credit for!” “No I mean Emperor Nero had tits”

“Jack the Ripper is both my actual daughter and a poor little meow meow.”

“So sorry I haven’t posted in a while, I just got back after I fell out of the world.”

They post some new music and it’s Mozart’s Requiem but finished and in the exact same style as the original. An accompaning photo of the sheet music is in Mozart’s handwriting.

haginokouta: Fate/Grand Order


Fate/Grand Order

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Barghest should sling some of y’all over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

Y’all know who you are that needs this.
