
 Completed YCH for OreosoftcakeWhat a precious character aaaa!! Loved painting this. Thanks so much

Completed YCH for Oreosoftcake
What a precious character aaaa!! Loved painting this.
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The second chapter in my American Dragon weight gain story! In this chapter we discover just how much of a toll Jake’s quest to find the griffin egg is having on his figure. Can he find the egg in time, or will he find himself immobilized by his own fat body just as his enemies start closing in?

A thick gasp broke the silence in the candy factory as Jake Long woke from his deep slumber.

The morbidly obese dragon continued to gasp and wheeze as he lazily looked about himself, and then down at the thick, meaty gut that was pinning him heavily to the cold floor. Grunting with exertion, the once thin hero began to attempt to roll himself off of his massive stomach and back onto his feet. Somehow it wasn’t turning out as he had hoped it would.

“Ugggghhhh!” He groaned, filling with disgust as he took in the absurd situation he had gotten himself into, “How did I let this happen to me…”

He grunted as he gripped his belly firmly in his paws, claws sinking into the soft, scale-covered flesh, before pressing his feet against the ground with all of his might. He could feel his entire, fat-laden body shifting as his muscles fought against gravity, a sensation that was both strange and humiliating to the usually fit hero, yet he still was unable to pull himself off his fat stomach.

By this point, Jake was continuously panting with exhaustion, his long reptilian tongue lolling out of his mouth. Standing up should have been one of the easiest things in the world, and wouldn’t have been a problem to the male just a day ago, and yet here he was, growing weary and worn out just trying to get off of his fat ass. Jake tried to push these degrading thoughts out of his mind, but they clung to his mind like shrink wrap. It didn’t help to think about the most humiliating fact of all: He still hadn’t found the griffin egg.

He looked down at the last egg from the pile he had checked, then, with hesitation, towards the many other piles throughout the factory. If the egg hadn’t been in the closest pile to the conveyor belt, then where else could it be? Could it have rolled into the next nearest mounds of chocolate? Could it have been knocked clumsily elsewhere by the dragon as he struggled to balance both stomaching the chocolate candy and getting used to his now larger, lumbering body? Could it have bounced somewhere else entirely? Can griffin eggs bounce?

Jake Long gagged.

The hours the overstuffed dragon had spent passed out had thankfully allowed him to digest the painfully thick glob of chocolate that had filled his gut. Unfortunately for him, much of it had been turned right into heavy fat that sagged and drooped from every inch of his body, and he wasn’t looking forward to repeating the entire process of devouring a whole mound of sweets even for a second time, let alone possibly dozens. He didn’t think his stomach would be able to handle it, and he knew his body definitely wouldn’t be able to handle it, not when he was already having serious mobility issues.

Speaking of…

Jake huffed desperately as he tried once again to shift himself back onto his feet, and once again failed. He whined and groaned as he looked down at his colossal belly and rocked side to on it. Then he thought of an idea.

Taking a deep breath, the fat dragon pulled up one of his thick, flabby legs and slammed it against the ground, pushing as hard as he could until he began to roll sideways. Thanks to his more round form, it was much easier to flop himself onto his flabby back, even if it felt humiliating to feel and watch his mammoth belly and moobs wobble and shift in the air in front of him as everything settled back into position. His body now in a completely different position, he grunted as he pressed his arms back against the ground, using his wing muscles as well to help prop him up into a seated position. From there, it wasn’t too hard to shift himself back onto his feet.

“There, finally…” He panted and gasped, looking over the piles of wrapped chocolate surrounding him with dread, “Now to… to finish what I started…”

Jake’s stomach turned in revulsion, and he ground his teeth as his mind recalled the sickeningly familiar taste of chocolate and peanut butter just from the sight of his fattening task. For a moment Jake wondered frantically if there was another way, and then when he realized there still wasn’t any alternative, he began to consider just abandoning his quest altogether. For the briefest of moments, he considered just abandoning the baby griffin to its fate.

That idea turned Jake’s stomach far more than even the thought of guzzling down an entire ocean of chocolate…

Sighing, the obese dragon male waddled over to the next closest pile to the conveyor belt, huffing and panting the entire way. He reached down to the closest egg, unwrapped it with a trembling hand, and licked the chocolate off, fighting back his churning guts and the horrible, sticky feeling in the back of his throat.


Somewhere there was a universe out there in the great whole of existence where Rose wasn’t a member of the Huntsclan, let alone its leader. A universe where perhaps the Huntsclan didn’t even exist, where she hadn’t had her life stolen from her, where she was happy.

This wasn’t it.

She brought her hoverboard to a halt, gazing around the city, searching for any sign of her prey. The dragon and his precious little egg had escaped her for the time being, but she would find them: She’s a hunter, after all.

She had thought she knew where he’d be headed, but following leads all day, they had just turned up dead ends. She brought up her arm, keying a few buttons on her gauntlet and bringing up a holographic map of New York City. An increased focus on tech was one of the many changes she had made to the Huntsclan since The Huntsman had died, and it had served her well. As she looked at the map now however, she was at a loss.

Her eyes narrowed behind her mask, the dragon skull she wore on her head inherited from her former master, its pale bone reflecting the light of the shimmering blue hologram. A red line appeared, overlaying the city, the path she had taken chasing the dragon before she had lost him. Examining it, it would seem his ultimate goal was the Empire State Building, no doubt where he would be returning the egg.

And yet that had been her first stop and she had found no dragon, just a very angry, and very territorial griffin. She knew it had to be the mother of the egg, but stopping the dragon boy took precedent now and the powerful winged beast had proven too much of a match for her current loadout of tech and weaponry. She would have to come back and deal with it later.

For now though, there were more pressing matters. Order… Justice…


Just before she shut the hologram off something else along the dragon’s projected path caught her eye…

It couldn’t be that simple, just a silly coincidence but…

Years of experience had honed that hunting instinct of hers, and now it raged like a dog on a chain. Shutting down the holographic map, she kicked her hoverboard into motion again and soared through the night sky.

The silence in the vast, empty factory was broken by a gurgle, one that came from a small corner of the large, open room, but was amplified as it echoed off the walls and cavernous ceiling.

The noise came from Jake Long’s massive belly, churning as it fought and struggled to break down another pile of sickeningly sweet chocolate eggs he had devoured.

This had made three now. There were still plenty to go.

Wincing at what would come next, Jake gripped his monstrously bloated, sagging paunch into his paws and hefted it as he struggled to walk towards the next pile he needed to consume.

Maybe walk was too generous a word, but Jake’s mind refused to even wrap itself around the term waddle as he lumbered over to the pile. He gasped desperately as his entire body weighed him down, fighting against it with every ounce of energy he had left as every pound of fat conspired to pin his ass permanently to the floor.

As the obese dragon laboriously made his way towards the pile however, something below him caught his eye, a subtle glint of wrapper that nearly stopped his heart and made him want to vomit: The shine of a single, fully wrapped egg lying there on the ground.

Somehow it must have rolled free when he was tearing through one of the other piles, and now it laid there beneath him, separated from his grasp by his titanic, bulging stomach. He cringed as he remembered how hard it was to scoop these damn things up off of the ground, and how much harder it would be now at such an even larger size. Jake let out a groan as he forced his gigantic, lumbering body to a halt, his bellyfolds wobbling from side to side, his behemoth sized buttocks bouncing as they slammed into one another: He couldn’t be sure, but if Jake had to guess he figured he must weigh at least over 800 pounds at this point.

How the hell was he going to reach this egg?

For a moment, he considered just passing it by, but it didn’t take long for him to rethink such an action. What if this was the griffin egg? What if he had just let it go when he could finally be free from this wretched factory and the taste of candy after just a few more licks of chocolate?

His belly gurgled as he held it, looking past its curve with indecision at the solitary peanut butter egg below him.

“Guuhhh… F-Fine..!” He groaned thickly, his voice so deep and heavy now from all the fat he had piled on that it nearly made the dragon blush, “Twenty…”

He whimpered and grunted as he attempted to bend low, his knees trembling before his belly pressed down against the ground such a short distance below it now. His stomach slamming against the floor took most of the weight off of his weary legs, but Jake was not nearly as grateful for the fact that he had to still reach around its vast curve just to grab the egg.

“T-Twenty… F-Five..!”

He growled and groaned in frustration and some pain as his belly suddenly gurgled from all of the movement and pressure being placed upon it now, giving the obese dragon a serious case of indigestion. He tried to bend over as far as his strained muscles could possibly allow, but he also didn’t want to end up stuck on his massively swollen stomach once again, not when this time it was a very real possibility that he’d never be able to get back up again.

“Twenty… Fiiiiiiive… Thoooousaaaaand…”

Suddenly Jake began to feel even more pressure welling up in his guts, the male dragon groaning and wincing as his stomach grew firmer and even harder to reach past now. Panting desperately, the dragonboy continued to struggle for the egg, even as the pressure began to become painful, and leaning on his belly only made it worse.

“E-Eiiiiiight… AGGGHHH! EIGHT! HUNDRED… a-and… fifty…. unnngghhh! FIFTY..!”

A tremendous relief instantaneously flooded through Jake Long’s insides as an equally massive bout of flatulence erupted from his mammoth backside, his blubbery rumpcheeks quaking with the force of it as the entire factory room echoed with the thunder erupting from the obese dragon’s ass. Jake groaned in shame, cringing hard and blushing heavily as the fart continued to drag on before finally ceasing after a few long, painfully shameful moments.

The explosion of flatulence was almost so horrifically loud that it nearly drowned out the sound of glass shattering as a figure burst through one of the factory’s windows, flying through to hover on her board just above the blubbery whale of a dragon.

“Looks like I’ve finally found you…” The Huntswoman purred, grinning beneath her mask, “Jake Long…”

“…Seven.” Jake grunted under his breath, panting as he locked eyes with his old foe.

If things had seemed bad before, they were about to get a lot worse.

Everybody loves ice cream Help support my artwork on Ko-fi Furaffinity TwitterPATREON Remember t

Everybody loves ice cream

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Everybody knows, happiness is a fat dragon Help support my artwork on Ko-fi Furaffinity TwitterRem

Everybody knows, happiness is a fat dragon

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One more from the catboss! Looking sharp and stylish in some new clothes! Even if they are soaked wi

One more from the catboss! Looking sharp and stylish in some new clothes! Even if they are soaked with sweat and stretched to breaking point.

To see the full original Giovanni pack, look here for more details, or find it on mypatreon.

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An Unexpected ChangeCommission for Ace.13An Unexpected ChangeCommission for Ace.13An Unexpected ChangeCommission for Ace.13An Unexpected ChangeCommission for Ace.13

An Unexpected Change

Commission for Ace.13

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