#favorite kdramas


In total I have finished watching 20 K-Dramas and I’m currently watching Goblin, so that will not be included in this list. 

The first drama I ever watched was on Netflix, ‘12 Year Promise’. I was sooo hooked with the first half of it…little did i know that the next 19 dramas that I was going to watch were 100x’s better!!! So I guess I’m addicted. I already know most of the tropes, and I have my favorites….which I’ll list in another post. For now, here is my PERSONAL ranking :) 

(Disclaimer: most of the dramas have the same 3 actors [Lee Minho, Park Seojoon, Lee Jongsuk], because I fell in love with them and then HAD to watch the rest of their work…sorry for the lack of diversity. lol)

20. 12 Year Promise

It had a good premise and lots of potential, but the change of actors and incomplete ending made the drama suffer. 

19. My First First Love

This was the latest drama that I finished. I thought it was cute, I was more interested in the second male lead though. It wasn’t exciting enough to keep me hooked.

18. Doctor Stranger

It was a good interesting story. I didn’t think I would enjoy a medical drama, but it WAS intriguing. I just disliked the main female lead. I was rooting hard for the second female lead. 

17. She was Pretty

I was really interested in the premise of this drama. But once again it lacked in chemistry from the main leads. Overall I enjoyed it though. 

16. Witch’s Romance

Loved the premise. It was a Noona romance which was pretty hot at first, but when they started dating, their age difference really showed and it was no longer organic.

15. I Can Hear Your Voice

Good story. I learned about their justice system, but it lacked romance, which is a MUST for me. 

14. Romance is a Bonus Book

Very down to earth Noona romance. I didn’t go crazy for their chemistry, but they tried their best and it showed. 

13. Pinocchio 


story!!! Opened my eyes to the different sides of the media. It did drag a bit and not enough ROMANCE!

12. City Hunter



drama! So much action that I’m sure my husband would enjoy. But I needed more romance/happiness :( 

11. Faith: The Great Doctor

If you like

Historical dramas, action, science fiction, fantasy, medical, && romance

….then this drama is for you! It was all over the place, but i actually enjoyed it. It was also a Noona romance, but it actually worked for me! Their chemistry was amazing even though they literally shared one kiss.

10. Personal Taste

I never know which one i should rank higher, this one or Faith, but i guess this one because it was more relatable. The female lead’s role is my favorite thus far. Spirit animal!!! This drama is also one of the most


of all the ones I’ve seen. 

9. While You Were Sleeping

Great story and premise. It had fantasy elements that where hard for me to fully follow, but it was good. I wish there was more chemistry. 

8. Legend of The Blue Sea


story! Great romance, great visuals……the only reason why its ranking kinda lowish is because Lee Minho has had better chemistry with other actresses, but it was still great!

7. Fight for My Way

Another down to earth drama, very relatable and showcases beautiful friendships. Plus you get to see Park Seojoons

beautiful abs

multiple times!!!!!

6. Boys Over Flowers

Although this drama is not on my top 5, its probably one of the main ones that I can watch a million times. It may seem a simple drama, but it has excellent acting and a romance that had me hooked. 

5. Hwarang: The Poet Warrior Youth


!!! I was at first turned off by the fact that it was a historical drama…but beeettccchhhhh!!!! Its amazing! I LOVED IT! And the boys!!!!!!!!!!! HOT AF! Their friendship was everything! I did NOT like the romance pairing, it felt like it lacked chemistry, but the overall quality made me forget about that.




4. Strong Girl Bong Soon

Again, great story….romance made me squeel!!!!


as well. Could also be a great drama for beginners!


3. W: Two Worlds


intriguing plot! A bit hard to follow the possible plot holes, but it doesnt matter as long as Lee Jongsuk smiles ;) PERFECT romantic chemistry!!!! I couldn’t get over it! I think they are

my favorite couple



2. Heirs

You want that cheesy romantic drama? HERE you go!!!! lol This is the romance I crave!!!!! Its so simple and unrealistic, but I’m soooo here for it!!!!!! From the stalker bf, to his aggressive kisses and possessiveness, the love triangle, the rich/poor trope….I love it all. I sound horrible, but it was hot to me lol. You know what, don’t watch it, unless its your first k drama, or you’re trash like me! :)


1. Whats Wrong With Secretary Kim

Of course, this is THE romance drama you must watch. Especially if you want to see some sexy time and the

hottest perfect boyfriend.

Again, it may seem like a simple drama, but after over 20 K dramas that I’ve seen, this one is undefeated.


lowkey want to post the abs gif…….lol
