#fc5 mod

By popular demand Remove Clothes - Keep Thigh Holster is now part of the main files in The Seeds NewBy popular demand Remove Clothes - Keep Thigh Holster is now part of the main files in The Seeds New

By popular demand Remove Clothes - Keep Thigh Holster is now part of the main files in The Seeds New Wardrobe Mod. 

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John Seed More Sins or More Sins + Tattoos now an optional item on the Seed’s New Wardrobe ModTexturJohn Seed More Sins or More Sins + Tattoos now an optional item on the Seed’s New Wardrobe ModTextur

John Seed More Sins or More Sins + Tattoos now an optional item on the Seed’s New Wardrobe Mod

Texture is a custom one I put together using markings and tattoos from existing files.

However this wouldn’t have been possible without @xbaebsae working out the last step to getting them to show up in game. Thank you so much.

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Update to The Seeds New Wardrobe Mod. If you’d like to see John or any other NPC in parts from aboveUpdate to The Seeds New Wardrobe Mod. If you’d like to see John or any other NPC in parts from above

Update to The Seeds New Wardrobe Mod. If you’d like to see John or any other NPC in parts from above, tell me the name and who you want it for.

I know some of the combo’s are random but the Pants and Tops are separate mods, I just combined them so I didn’t have too many screenshots. Names at bottom are for the pants. Names at top are for the tops.

Also made a Separate mod so you can hide his holster if you want. As you can see on some images above he has it on and on some he doesn’t

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