#feature points


Guys Gal’s Fellow Otaku’s!! there’s this app called Feature Points where they give you points if you download other apps and then you can cash in the points for various things, but most importantly, money for your paypal acc. If you’ve got a smartphone then you should check it out because it’s not terribly tedious like the other advertisement award sites, you basically download Free apps and play them for a couple minutes do it on the throne! then you can delete them, there may be some other ways to get points, but that is the easiest way I see!

If you have an Iphone search for Future Points in safari and download it from there, if you use android download it as an app
(*!my referral code is APMT6F, please input it because you’ll get 50 FREE points and it’ll also help me out!*)

it’ll really help since we all splurge on cosplay stuff and Naruto gear! ^__^

PLEASE help me out fellow Otaku’s!!!!!!!!

Again! *!my referral code is APMT6F, please input it because you’ll get 50 FREE points and it’ll also help me out!*
