#feedee perspective



it started with your first major break-up. you discovered food to be a comfort. a night of binging distractedly while watching TV on the couch or reading in bed was a safe haven. you exercised a lot then, and you got the ‘revenge body’ you worked so hard for, even with the weekly binges. soon, though, those became three times a week. you didn’t mind the first 20 pounds. your ex had always said you were a bit scrawny anyways! that apathy with your body’s changes meant it wasn’t until 60 pounds of heavy, dough-like padding was gracing your morphing frame before you *really* noticed you were now a big person. wasn’t until the day you ran into your ex at the grocery store. of all places. with your basket loaded with the night’s selection of beer, ice cream, and chocolate bars to dip into it all in their view. they do a double take, maybe not recognizing you at first. had you really changed so much? you tugged at your shirt hem. they stroll up to you and a big, not even barely contained smirk is sitting pretty on their face.

“hi there big stuff. been a while.”

that’s when you realized it. you were fat.
